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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Relations: 395 objects found.

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    Preliminary referral to the Court of Justice: towards a European regulatory competence

    15/04/2016 - Roberto Cosio

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 47 Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal

    The Author examines the preliminary referral in the light of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice ...

  • Relations

    More Europe does not only mean more solidarity, but also more security. This is our common great responsibility

    13/04/2016 - Sergio Mattarella

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 6 Personal liberty - Solidarity - Justice

    The report by the Italian President on the challenges for Europe in the matter of security and solidarity ...

  • Relations

    Report on the work of the Italian Constitutional Court for 2015

    11/04/2016 - Paolo Grossi

    Classificazione: Justice

    Report by the President of the Constitutional Court for the year with particular reference to the question of European interest ...

  • Relations

    What’s happening in the European States: national answers to the challenge of international terrorism

    25/03/2016 - Simone Gaboriau

    Classificazione: Justice

    The Author examines the concept of international terrorism in Europe ...

  • Relations

    Knowledge of jihadist terrorism. Investigative means and techniques

    23/03/2016 - Giovanni Salvi

    Classificazione: Justice

    How to get to know Islamic terrorism Our thanks to Questione giustizia ...

  • Relations

    Two kinds of policies and guarantees in the matter of fight against terrorism

    07/03/2016 - Luigi ferrajoli

    Classificazione: Justice

    Some considerations on the fight against terrorism within the framework of fundamental rights Our thanks to Questione giustizia ...

  • Relations

    International terrorism, security policies, fundamental rights: the role of law and the judges’ effort

    05/03/2016 - Franco Ippolito

    Classificazione: Justice

    The Author examines European policies in the matter of security and protection of fundamental rights against terrorism Our thanks to Questione giustizia ...

  • Relations

    The case of open lists: a question of dignity

    24/02/2016 - Lucia Tria

    Classificazione: Justice

    The Author examines in a European framework the question of the validity of the lists to enter the public administration ...

  • Relations

    Lecture Altiero Spinelli

    19/02/2016 - Laura Boldrini

    Classificazione: Equality


  • Relations

    The real reform: European defence model and national debt (the case of Italy)

    31/01/2016 - Domenico Moro

    Classificazione: Citizens’ rights

    The Author examines the issue of a European defence model and the benefits Italy could get ...