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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Relations: 395 objects found.

  • Relations

    The difficult achievement of the aim of work organizational wellbeing

    21/10/2015 - Lucia Tria

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 35 Preventive health care

    The Author examines the application of European norms and principles in the matter of wellbeing and safety in the workplace ...

  • Relations

    Fair trial before ordinary courts and courts of auditors: common questions

    05/10/2015 - Roberto Conti

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 47 Fair trial, public hearing

    The Author examines the effects of the European Courts guidelines in the national legal system in the matter of fair trial ...

  • Relations

    The new law on hetero-organized collaborations between the jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation and supra-national and international vocation of labour and trade union law

    01/10/2015 - Lucia Tria

    Classificazione: Solidarity

    The Italian reform on hetero-organized collaborations in the light of Union law ...

  • Relations

    “(In)compatibility of the reform of dismissals in the Jobs Act 2 in the light of the European Union law

    29/06/2015 - Vincenzo De Michele

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 30 Protection against unjustified dismissal


  • Relations

    The “Transatlantic Treaty” (TTIP): hard core or obstacle of a new economic-monetary world asset?

    20/05/2015 - Domenico Moro

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 6 Personal liberty

    The Author examines lights and shades of the Transatlantic Treaty ...

  • Relations

    Null dismissal between the protection against discrimination and cases expressly provided for by the law

    18/05/2015 - Rita San Lorenzo

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 30 Protection against unjustified dismissal

    The Author examines the new Italian law in the matter of dismissal also in the light of supra-national law ...

  • Relations

    Health and occupation

    09/05/2015 - Lucia Tria

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 35 Preventive health care

    The Author examines the relation between health and occupation also in the light of supra-national and international sources ...

  • Relations

    Protection of dismissals in the primary law of the European Union

    27/04/2015 - Roberto Cosio

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 30 Protection against unjustified dismissal

    The Author reconstructs European law in the matter of dismissal ...

  • Relations

    The role of the judge after the opinion of the Court of Justice C-2/13 of 18.12.2014, between effectiveness and execution of the decisions of the ECHR

    17/04/2015 - Pierpaolo Gori

    Classificazione: Justice

    Some considerations on the importance of the decisions of the ECHR in the national legal system taking the cue from the opinion of the Court of Justice on the EU accession to the ECHR ...

  • Relations

    State employees between National Supreme Courts and central European Courts

    13/03/2015 - Lucia Tria

    Classificazione: Justice

    The Author reconstructs the jurisprudence of the two European Courts in the matter of State employees and the relation with the jurisprudence of the National Supreme Courts ...