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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Relations: 395 objects found.

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    Report on the constitutional jurisprudence in 2014

    12/03/2015 - Alessandro Criscuolo

    Classificazione: Justice

    The Annual Report by the President of the Court on the jurisprudence of the past year with special regard to many European issues ...

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    Apathy of democracy

    01/03/2015 - Barbara Spinelli

    Classificazione: Citizens’ rights

    The Author highlights the risk of a de-constitutionalization of the Union with regard to the measures and the new institutions established for the economic and euro crisis ...

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    New norms on “economic dismissals” in the light of the principles provided for by the Constitution, European Union law and international conventions

    20/02/2015 - Lucia Tria

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 31 Working conditions: healthy - Working conditions: safe - Working conditions: dignified

    Some considerations on the jobs act also in relation with International and EU norms ...

  • Relations

    Legal reasoning and gender stereotipes in the case law from a comparative family law perspective

    15/02/2015 - Elena Falletti

    Classificazione: Equality

    The present study examines the stereotypes in the case law from a comparative family law perspective ...

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    Regulatory competence of the Court of Cassation in the light of the European principle of fair trial as well as the constitutional principle of rationality-equity

    15/02/2015 - Lucia Tria

    Classificazione: Justice

    The Court of Cassation s proceeding in the light of the European and National constitutional principles ...

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    Economic crisis and contemporary constitutionalism. Which European future for fundamental rights and for Welfare?

    06/02/2015 - Silvio Gambino

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 34 Social security

    The Author offers some considerations on the effectiveness and the future of European constitutionalism following the economic crisis and on the individualistic concept of fundamental rights as established by the European Union Court of Justice ...

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    Inaugural address of the judicial year 2015 at the Supreme Court of Cassation

    23/01/2015 - Gianfranco Ciani

    Classificazione: Justice

    Inaugural address of the judicial year at the Supreme Court of Cassation by the General Prosecutor to the Court which recalls the most recent jurisprudence of the two European Courts and their effects on the ...

  • Relations

    Inaugural address of the judicial year 2015 at the Supreme Court of Cassation

    23/01/2015 - Giorgio Santacroce

    Classificazione: Justice

    Inaugural address of the judicial year at the Supreme Court of Cassation by the President of the Court which recalls the most recent jurisprudence of the two European Courts and its impact on the decisions ...

  • Relations

    Concerning The judges and bio-law

    16/01/2015 - David Cerri

    Classificazione: Justice

    Some considerations on bio-juridical issues taking the cue from the recent work by Roberto Conti ...

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    A European Solidarity Fund to promote a European Social Security Act and a programme for investments with European Common Undertakings

    06/12/2014 - Domenico Moro

    Classificazione: Solidarity

    The Author presents some ideas to relaunch the growth and development in Europe ...