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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Relations: 395 objects found.

  • Relations

    Trade union representativeness after the decision of the Constitutional Court n. 231 of 2013

    12/12/2013 - Lucia Tria

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 28 Rights of workers, employers and their organisations: negotiations - Rights of workers, employers and their organisations: collective actions

    The Author reconstructs the trade union representativeness after the decision of the Constitutional Court n of also in the light of the European and international guidelines ...

  • Relations

    Discussion on the book “The Making of European Private Law: Why, How, What, Who?” ed. Luigi Moccia

    20/11/2013 - Giacinto Bisogni

    Classificazione: Justice

    Taking the cue from a recent book by Luigi Moccia the Author examines the perspectives of European private law ...

  • Relations

    Clarity, transparency and simplification as instruments for the development of the Country

    20/11/2013 - Lucia Tria

    Classificazione: Citizens’ rights - Art. 41 Right to good administration by the bodies of the union

    The Author examines the issue of effectiveness and transparency of the public administration in Italy also in the light of the guidelines and sources of the EU and the Council of Europe ...

  • Relations

    “Dialogue” between the Courts and decisional techniques for the protection of fundamental rights

    16/11/2013 - Antonio Ruggeri

    Classificazione: Justice

    Some considerations on the decision-making techniques adopted in the so-called dialogue between National and European Courts ...

  • Relations

    Judicial dialogue in the solution of international disputes

    16/11/2013 - Antonio Lazari

    Classificazione: Justice

    The dialogue between the Courts to solve international disputes ...

  • Relations

    Hermeneutical pluralism in the complex legal system

    10/11/2013 - Roberto Cosio

    Classificazione: Justice

    A Report on the development of the dialogue between the Courts in Europe which was held during the Dialogues of Giuseppe Pera s students in San Cerbone ...

  • Relations

    Europe’s pursuit of “a more perfect Union”

    09/10/2013 - Mario Draghi

    Classificazione: Citizens’ rights

    The Author examines the attempts carried out to improve the European Union ...

  • Relations

    End of the conviction: never?

    15/09/2013 - Roberto Conti

    Classificazione: Justice

    The Author examines the national jurisprudence and the jurisprudence of the Court of Strasbourg in the matter of detention regime ...

  • Relations

    Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in the matter of women discrimination

    15/09/2013 - Irene Gentile Brown

    Classificazione: Equality - Art. 21 Non discrimination

    The Author examines the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in the matter of women discrimination ...

  • Relations

    EU law strategies against neoliberal politics of crisis

    21/06/2013 - Lukas Oberndorfer

    Classificazione: Solidarity

    How to react to neoliberal politics in the management of the crisis ...