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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Relations: 395 objects found.

  • Relations

    National law and European law in the dialogue between the Courts

    28/03/2013 - Antonio Valitutti

    Classificazione: Justice

    The Author examines the dialogue between the national and European Courts ...

  • Relations

    Problems of the European Federation

    27/03/2013 - Virgilio Dastoli

    Classificazione: General theme

    How could the project for a European Federation be re-launched today ...

  • Relations

    An outcome for the Euro-zone

    24/03/2013 - Domenico Moro

    Classificazione: General theme

    The Author examines the practicability of an outcome for the Euro-zone countries also from the point of view of the Treaties in force ...

  • Relations

    Citizenship of the Union and construction of a European law and jurist

    16/03/2013 - Luigi Moccia

    Classificazione: Citizens’ rights

    The Author examines the relations between the construction of a European citizenship and supra-national law ...

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    The first European citizens’ initiatives

    16/03/2013 - Paolo Ponzano

    Classificazione: General theme

  • Relations

    50 years after the decision in the case Van Gend en Loos (February 1963)

    16/03/2013 - Antonio Valitutti

    Classificazione: Justice

    The Author examines the development of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice in the last fifty years starting from the decision in the case Van Gend en Loos ...

  • Relations

    Europe: renewing confidence –strengthening commitment

    01/03/2013 - Joachim Gauch - Presidente della Repubblica Federale Tedesca

    Classificazione: General theme

    The speech of the President of the German Federal Republic at the Italian-German meeting at the beginning of March in which the President specifies the position of his Country with regard to the strengthening and ...

  • Relations

    Towards the Political Union: the process for the construction of a European leadership

    01/03/2013 - Giorgio Napoletano, Presidente della Repubblica Italiana

    Classificazione: General theme

    The present lecture highlights the most important steps of the European integration and its most authoritative protagonists in order to underline the necessity to face the social issues aggravated by the recession to Europeanize politics ...

  • Relations

    Importance of a European jurisprudence (and of a congress)

    31/01/2013 - Luigi Marini

    Classificazione: Justice

    On the occasion of the Congress of Magistratura democratica its President relaunches the plan of the construction of a European jurisdiction inspired to the constitutional values of the EU Charter of Rights ...

  • Relations

    Reforms on the functioning of the European Union from the “Progetto Spinelli” of 1984 to the Treaty of Lisbon: from utopia to reality

    28/01/2013 - Roberto Mastroianni

    Classificazione: General theme

    Une reconstruction de la longue saison de r formes du syst me europ en jusqu au Trait de Lisbonne ...