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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Relations: 395 objects found.

  • Relations

    Migrants’ right to family unity between National and European legislation

    23/03/2018 - Lucia Tria

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy - Domicile

    Right to family reunion ...

  • Relations

    Brexit. Refugees and the hostile environment

    19/12/2017 - Frances Webber

    Classificazione: Equality - Art. 21 Non discrimination

    Brexit and hostile environment towards migrants ...

  • Relations

    Human rights, peace instrument and engagement for peace

    04/12/2017 - Guido Raimondi

    Classificazione: General theme

    Some considerations on the connection between the protection of human rights and promotion of peace ...

  • Relations

    The european citizen’s iniziative: an effective tool to boost democratic participation?

    11/11/2017 - Marco Inglese

    Classificazione: Citizens’ rights

    Is the ECI European citizen s initiative really a mean of direct participation to the European politics ...

  • Relations

    On the right to bring an action against collective discriminations based on nationality

    02/11/2017 - Roberto Riverso

    Classificazione: Equality - Art. 21 Non discrimination

    The role of associations in the fight against collective discriminations based on nationality in the light of European law ...

  • Relations

    European Court of Human Rights and retroactive norms

    30/10/2017 - Marco Bignami

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 47 Fair trial, public hearing

    Reconstruction of the Court of Strasbourg s guidelines on the prohibition of retroactive norms ...

  • Relations

    Principle of solidarity at the testing bench of the phenomenon of migration

    27/10/2017 - Antonio Ruggeri

    Classificazione: Solidarity

    Lack of answer by the national European and international legal system to the phenomenon of migration Our thanks to the review Consulta-online ...

  • Relations

    Relevance of Costantino Mortati’s thought and the actual foundation of the European Union

    21/09/2017 - Giacinto Bisogni

    Classificazione: General theme

    In the light of Costantino Mortati s thought what is the actual foundation of the European Union ...

  • Relations

    Speech on the state of the Union

    13/09/2017 - Jean Claude Juncker

    Classificazione: Citizens’ rights

    Speech on the state of the Union by the President of the European Commission less pessimistic than the last few years underlining the economic improvements of the Union ...

  • Relations

    Judicial usages and customs and common law

    04/09/2017 - Filippo Patroni Griffi

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 47 Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal

    Some considerations on common law also with regard to the European dimension ...