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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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European Case Law: 4347 objects found.

  • Judgment 54227/14

    01/02/2018 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Dignity - Art. 4 Inhuman treatments - Degrading treatments - Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy - Equality - Art. 24 Children’s rights

    The judgment according to which the authorities had not acted with the necessary diligence and had not taken all reasonable measures in good time to protect a minor victim of prostitution and rape the Court ...

  • Judgment 18233/16

    30/01/2018 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 47 Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal

    The judgment on the impossibility to appeal against a decision revoking the applicant s release on licence ...

  • Judgment 69317/14

    30/01/2018 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy

    The judgment on the fine imposed to a company for having advertised clothes using references to Jesus and Mary ...

  • Judgment 23065/12

    30/01/2018 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Equality - Art. 26 Rights of the disabled

    The judgment on the lack of an effective and personalized assessment of the needs of a handicapped student in order to gain access to the university building ...

  • Judgment C-360/16

    25/01/2018 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 18 Right to asylum - Refugees - Justice - Art. 47 Justice: remedy

    According to the Court Regulation EU No establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country ...

  • Judgment C-473/16

    25/01/2018 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy - Art. 18 Right to asylum - Refugees

    The Court affirmed that an asylum seeker may not be subjected to a psychological test in order to determine his sexual orientation The performance of such a test amounts to a disproportionate interference in the ...

  • Judgment C-498/16

    25/01/2018 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 38 Consumer protection

    The Court affirmed that the activities of publishing books lecturing operating websites fundraising and being assigned the claims of numerous consumers for the purpose of their enforcement do not entail the loss of a private ...

  • Judgment 22696/16

    25/01/2018 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Dignity - Art. 4 Inhuman treatments

    The judgment on the detention of an asylum seeker for thirty days in a Hotspot under the EU-Turkey agreement deemed not in breach of the Convention ...

  • Judgment 76607/13

    25/01/2018 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 49 Proportionality of penalties

    The judgment on the sentence establishing a sanction which took account of offences of which the applicant had not been found guilty deemed not in breach of the Convention ...

  • Judgment C-367/16

    23/01/2018 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 49 Criminal Law

    According to the Court the judicial authority of the executing Member State must refuse to surrender only those minors who are the subject of a European arrest warrant and who under the law of the ...