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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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European Case Law: 4347 objects found.

  • Judgment C-490/16

    26/07/2017 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 18 Right to asylum - Refugees

    The Court affirmed that an applicant for international protection is entitled in an appeal against a decision to transfer him to plead incorrect application of the criterion for determining responsibility relating to the irregular crossing ...

  • Judgment C-599/14 P

    26/07/2017 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 17 Right to property

    The Court upholded the annulment of the retention of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam on the list of persons groups and entities involved in terrorist acts ...

  • Judgment C-670/16

    26/07/2017 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 18 Right to asylum

    The Court affirmed that an asylum seeker may rely in legal proceedings on the fact that the Member State has become responsible for examining his application because of the expiry of the three-month period within ...

  • Judgment C-670/15

    26/07/2017 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 47 Justice: remedy - Legal aid

    The Court affirmed that Directive EC to improve access to justice in cross-border disputes by establishing minimum common rules relating to legal aid for such disputes must be interpreted as meaning that legal aid granted ...

  • Judgment Joined cases C-196/16 and C-197/16

    26/07/2017 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 37 Environmental protection

    The Court affirmed that in the event of failure to carry out an environmental impact assessment required under Council Directive EEC EU law on the one hand requires Member States to nullify the unlawful consequences ...

  • Judgment 17484/15

    25/07/2017 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy - Equality - Art. 21 Non discrimination

    The judgment on the decision to reduce the compensation awarded to an old person for a medical error the Court held that there had been the violation of article non-discrimination read together with article right ...

  • Judgment 2156/10

    25/07/2017 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 47 Right to be advised, defended, and represented - Art. 48 Rights of defence

    The judgment according to which the restriction on the communication between the counsel and the accused on grounds of State secret is in breach of the Convention article c whilst the restrictions on the access ...

  • Judgment 2728/16

    25/07/2017 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 47 Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal - Previously established by law

    The judgment according to which the refusal to authorize the appeal against a sentence following an unpredictable application of criminal procedural norms is in breach of the Convention ...

  • Judgment C-416/16

    20/07/2017 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 27 Worker’s rights: information

    The Court affirmed that where a municipal undertaking whose sole shareholder is a municipality is wound up by a decision of the municipality s executive body and its activities are transferred in part to the ...

  • Judgment T-619/15

    20/07/2017 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 17 Right to property - Justice - Art. 48 Presumption of innocence

    The General Court upholds the decision freezing the funds of the Badica and Kardiam companies in the Central African conflict diamonds case ...