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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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European Case Law: 4347 objects found.

  • Judgment 18650/05

    02/02/2016 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy - Justice - Art. 47 Fair trial, public hearing

    The judgment on the violation of the right to private and family life and the right to a fair trial in the event of the deputy prefect s transfer from the capital to the province ...

  • Judgment C-50/14

    28/01/2016 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 15 Freedom to provide services - Solidarity - Art. 35 Preventive health care

    The Court affirmed that EU law does not preclude national legislation which allows local authorities to entrust the provision of medical transport services by direct award without any form of advertising to voluntary associations provided ...

  • Judgment C-375/14

    28/01/2016 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 15 Freedom to provide services

    The Court affirmed that national rules on betting and gaming may be contrary to the principle of proportionality if they require the licensee to transfer free of charge the equipment used for the collection of ...

  • Judgment T-331/14, T-332/14, T-341/14, T-434/14, T-486/14

    28/01/2016 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 17 Right to property

    The General Court annuls the freezing of the assets of five Ukrainians A person cannot be treated as being responsible for misappropriation of funds solely on the ground that he is the subject of a ...

  • Judgment 22643/07

    26/01/2016 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Dignity - Art. 4 Inhuman treatments - Degrading treatments

    The judgment on inhuman or degrading treatment suffered during an identity check and the subsequent questioning at the police station ...

  • Judgment C-453/14

    21/01/2016 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 34 Social security - Social services for old age

    The Court affirmed that old-age benefits provided under an occupational pension scheme of one Member State and those provided under a statutory pension scheme of another Member State both schemes being within the scope of ...

  • Judgment C-515/14

    21/01/2016 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 34 Social security - Social services for old age - Citizens’ rights - Art. 45 Freedom of movement

    The Court affirmed that Cypriot legislation on pension entitlement which places migrant workers at a disadvantage in relation to those who do not leave Cyprus is contrary to EU law ...

  • Judgment C-335/14

    21/01/2016 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 34 Social security

    The Court affirmed that among the services provided by a serviced residence those consisting of the provision of dwellings adapted for elderly persons may benefit from the exemption referred to in that provision The other ...

  • Judgment 29313/10

    21/01/2016 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 11 Freedom of expression - Freedom of information

    The judgment on the conviction of defamation against a television channel for broadcasting a documentary on the alleged responsibilities of Saudi high officials in the events of of ...

  • Judgment 29908/11

    21/01/2016 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 47 Fair trial, public hearing - Independent and impartial tribunal

    The judgment on the unfairness of the proceeding against the President of the Constitutional Court following the statements made by the Prime Minister while the proceeding was still pending ...