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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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European Case Law: 4347 objects found.

  • Judgment C-819/21

    09/11/2023 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 47 Fair trial, public hearing - Independent and impartial tribunal

    The Court affirmed that the competent authority of the executing Member State may refuse to recognise and enforce a judgment imposing a criminal sentence delivered by a court of another Member State where it has ...

  • Judgment C 271/22 a C 275/22

    09/11/2023 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 31 Paid leave

    The Court affirmed that a worker may rely on the right to paid annual leave enshrined in Article of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and and given concrete expression by Directive ...

  • Judgment C-307/22

    26/10/2023 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 8 Personal data: fairly processing

    According to the Court in the context of a doctor-patient relationship the right to obtain a copy of personal data undergoing processing means that the data subject must be given a faithful and intelligible reproduction ...

  • Judgment C-660/20

    19/10/2023 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Equality - Art. 21 Non discrimination

    According to the Court national legislation which makes the payment of additional remuneration for part-time workers and comparable full-time workers uniformly contingent on the same number of working hours being exceeded in a given activity ...

  • Judgment C-45/22

    12/10/2023 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 34 Social security

    According to the Court where the receipt of benefits of a different kind or of other income entails the application of national rules against overlapping with regard to independent benefits Regulation EC No on the ...

  • Judgment C-57/22

    12/10/2023 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 31 Paid leave

    According to the Court Directive EC concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time precludes national case-law by virtue of which a worker who was unlawfully dismissed and then reinstated in his or her ...

  • Judgment C-726/21

    12/10/2023 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 50 Right not to be tried or punished twice in criminal proceedings for the same criminal offence

    According to the Court when assessing whether the principle ne bis in idem has been complied with it is necessary to take into consideration not only the facts cited in the enacting terms of the ...

  • Judgment C-219/22

    05/10/2023 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 49 Criminal Law

    According to the Court Framework Decision JHA on taking account of convictions in the Member States of the European Union in the course of new criminal proceedings does not preclude legislation of a Member State ...

  • Judgment C-496/22

    05/10/2023 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 27 Worker’s rights: information - Worker’s rights: consultation

    According to the Court Directive EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to collective redundancies does not preclude national legislation which does not require an employer to consult individually the ...

  • Judgment C-565/22

    05/10/2023 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 38 Consumer protection

    According to the Court the consumer s right to withdraw from a distance contract is guaranteed only once in respect of a contract for the performance of services which provides for an initial free period ...