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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Articles (22/05/2019) - Interview by Roberto Conti with Antonio D’Aloia, Giacomo D’Amico and Giorgio Repetto “Which future for the end of life after the decision n. 2017/2018 of the Constitutional Court? Choosing the theme and the answers

Title: Interview by Roberto Conti with Antonio D’Aloia, Giacomo D’Amico and Giorgio Repetto “Which future for the end of life after the decision n. 2017/2018 of the Constitutional Court? Choosing the theme and the answers

Date: 05/22/2019

Subject: The hypotheses of a regulation of the end of life in the light of the sentence of the Constitutional Court and the jurisprudence of Strasbourg. We thank the journal Justice together

Original language: Italian

Classification: Dignity - Art. 1 Human dignity

Link Italian