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Observatoire Européen sur le respect des droits fondamentaux

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Autres Mesures Arrêt 2013 SCC 72 (20/12/2013)

Autorité: Supreme Court of Canada

Date: 20/12/2013

Objet: The Supreme Court of Canada struck down three provisions of the criminal code in the matter of prostitution, and in particular the prohibition to work in a “bawdy house”, to live on the avails of prostitution, distinguishing those who exploit prostitutes from those who could increase their safety and security, and to communicate in public for the purpose of prostitution, for the violation of the right to security provided by article 7 of the Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Parties: Canada (Attorney General) v. Bedford

Langue originale: Anglais

Classification: Liberté - Art. 6 Sûreté

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