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Observatoire Européen sur le respect des droits fondamentaux

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Autres Mesures Ordonnance 4:13CV00224 SWW (14/03/2014)

Autorité: United States District Court Eastern District of Arkansas Western Division (USA)

Date: 14/03/2014

Objet: L’United States District Court Eastern District of Arkansas Western Division a suspendu de façon permanente le caractère exécutif de certaines dispositions de l’Arkansas Act 301 qui interdisaient l’interruption de grossesse après douze semaines

Parties: Louis Jerry Edwards, M.D., on behalf of himself and his patients, et al. v. Joseph M. Beck, M.D., President of the Arkansas State Medical Board, and his successor in office, in their official capacities, et al.

Langue originale: Anglais

Classification: Liberté - Art. 7 Vie privée - Art. 10 Liberté de conscience

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