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Altri Provvedimenti Sentenza 1:13-cv-071 (16/04/2014)

Autorità: United States District Court for the District of North Dakota Southwestern Division (USA)

Data: 16/04/2014

Oggetto: MKB Management Corp., d/b/a Red River Women’s Clinic; and Kathryn L. Eggleston, M.D., vs. Birch Burdick, in his official capacity as State’s Attorney for Cass County, et al.

Parti: MKB Management Corp., d/b/a Red River Women’s Clinic; and Kathryn L. Eggleston, M.D., vs. Birch Burdick, in his official capacity as State’s Attorney for Cass County, et al.

Lingua Originale: Inglese

Classificazione: Libertà - Art. 7 Vita privata - Art. 10 Libertà di coscienza

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