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Altri Provvedimenti Ordinanza 4:15-cv-00615 (23/03/2017)

Autorità: United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida Tallahassee Division

Data: 23/03/2017

Oggetto: L’ordinanza dell’United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida Tallahassee Division ha ordinato allo Stato di includere il nome del coniuge (superstite) dello stesso sesso anche nei certificati di morte emessi prima dell’adozione della sentenza Obergefell v. Hodges da parte della Corte Suprema

Parti: Hal B. Birchfield and Paul G. Mocko, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated v. John H. Armstrong, in his official capacity as Surgeon General and Secretary of Health for the State of Florida, and Kenneth Jones, in his official capacity as State Registrar of Vital Statistics for the State of Florida

Lingua Originale: Inglese

Classificazione: Uguaglianza - Art. 20 Uguaglianza - Art. 21 Non discriminazione

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