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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Case Law 107/2017 (28/09/2017)

Type: Judgment

Authority: National Courts Constitutional Court (Belgio)

Date: 09/28/2017

Subject: The decision of the Constitutional Court rejected the claim lodged against certain articles of the law of 16 November 2015, providing for norms in social matters, and of the program-law (I) of 26 December 2015, which provides for a “flexi-jobs” regime within the hotel and restaurant field, recalling the norms of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, of Directive 2003/88/EC, the European Social Charter and the ECHR and the jurisprudence of the Courts of Strasbourg and Luxemburg

Parties: Confédération des syndicats chrétiens de Belgique et autres

Original language: Belgian

Classification: Solidarity - Art. 28 Rights of workers, employers and their organisations: negotiations - Rights of workers, employers and their organisations: collective actions - Art. 31 Working conditions: healthy - Working conditions: safe - Working conditions: dignified - Art. 34 Social security

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