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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Case Law C-367/16 (23/01/2018)

Type: Judgment

Authority: European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

Date: 01/23/2018

Subject: According to the Court, the judicial authority of the executing Member State must refuse to surrender only those minors who are the subject of a European arrest warrant and who, under the law of the executing Member State, have not yet reached the age at which they are regarded as criminally responsible for the acts on which the warrant issued against them is based. In order to decide whether a minor who is the subject of a European arrest warrant is to be surrendered, the judicial authority of the executing Member State must simply verify whether the person concerned has reached the minimum age required to be regarded as criminally responsible in the executing Member State for the acts on which such a warrant is based, without having to consider any additional conditions, relating to an assessment based on the circumstances of the individual, to which the prosecution and conviction of a minor for such acts are specifically subject under the law of that Member State

Parties: Piotrowski

Classification: Justice - Art. 49 Criminal Law

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