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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Case Law C-240/17 (16/01/2018)

Type: Judgment

Authority: European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

Date: 01/16/2018

Subject: The Court affirmed that that it is open to the Contracting State which intends to issue a return decision accompanied by a ban on entry and stay in the Schengen Area to a third-country national who holds a valid residence permit issued by another Contracting State to initiate the consultation procedure even before the issue of the return decision. That procedure must, in any event, be initiated as soon as such a decision has been issued. According to the Court, the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement does not preclude the return decision accompanied by an entry ban issued by a Contracting State to a third-country national who is the holder of a valid residence permit issued by another Contracting State being enforced even though the consultation procedure laid down in that provision is ongoing, if that third-country national is regarded by the Contracting State issuing the alert as representing a threat to public order or national security, without prejudice to that third-country national’s entitlement to rely on the rights he derives from that residence permit by going subsequently to the territory of the second Contracting State. However, after a reasonable time from the initiation of the consultation procedure and in the absence of a response from the Contracting State consulted, the Contracting State issuing the alert for the purposes of refusing entry must withdraw it and, if necessary, put the third-country national on its national list of alerts. Finally, the Court affirmed that a third-country national who is the holder of a valid residence permit issued by a Contracting State, and to whom a return decision accompanied by an entry ban has been issued in another Contracting State, may rely before the national courts on the legal effects deriving from the consultation procedure on the Contracting State issuing the alert and the requirements deriving therefrom

Parties: E

Classification: Citizens’ rights - Art. 45 Freedom of residence

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