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Observatoire Européen sur le respect des droits fondamentaux

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Jurisprudence [2020] EWHC 2007 (Admin) (24/07/2020)

Type: Arrêt

Autorité: Cours nationales England and Wales High Court

Date: 24/07/2020

Objet: L'arrêt de l’England and Wales High Court, sur les exigences d'une enquête efficace en matière de meurtre, aux termes de l’article 2 CEDH

Parties: THE QUEEN (on the application of GS, a child by her grandfather and litigation friend STEPHEN STANLEY STURGESS) Claimant - and - H.M. SENIOR CORONER FOR WILTSHIRE & SWINDON Defendant And (1) SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT (2) ALEXANDER PETROV (3) RUSLAN BOSHIROV Interested Parties

Langue originale: Anglais

Classification: Dignité - Art. 2 Droit à la vie

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