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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Case Law C-487/19 (06/10/2021)

Type: Judgment

Authority: European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

Date: 10/06/2021

Subject: The Court affirmed that transfers without consent of a judge from one court to another or between two divisions of the same court are liable to undermine the principles of the irremovability of judges and judicial independence. The order by which a court, ruling at last instance and sitting as a single judge, dismissed the action of a judge transferred against his will, must be declared null and void if the appointment of that single judge took place in clear breach of fundamental rules concerning the establishment and functioning of the judicial system concerned

Parties: W. Ż. () e des affaires publiques de la Cour suprême - nomination)

Classification: Justice - Art. 47 Independent and impartial tribunal

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