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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Other Acts P6_TA-PROV (2016)0297 (05/07/2016)

Type: Acts of the European Union: European Parliament Resolution on refugees: social inclusion and integration into the labour market

Authority: European Authorities - European Union: European Parliament

Date: 07/05/2016

Subject: The European Parliament stresses that significant differences exist in the times and modalities of processing requests for international protection within Member States; it highlights that slow and excessively bureaucratic procedures may hinder refugees and asylum seekers’ access to education and training, employment guidance and the labour market, the activation of EU and Member States’ programmes, and the effective and coordinated use of funds in this field, as well as increase the refugees and asylum seekers’ vulnerability to undeclared work and precarious working conditions; it points to the urgent need to establish a common asylum system to improve recognition procedures while, at the same time, ensuring the highest level of safety for refugees and European citizens; it recommends that the necessary measures be taken to support those Member States which, for geographical reasons, are involved more intensively in initial reception; it recognises that the length of residence permit granted (especially to those with subsidiary protection) acts as a barrier to labour market integration if it is only of relatively short duration

Classification: Freedoms - Art. 18 Refugees

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