The challenges posed by climate change
Resolution 1682 (2009)1
1. The
Parliamentary Assembly is concerned about the consequences of
global climate change and the urgent need to secure a
successful agreement at the United Nations Climate Change
Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009. Recent scientific
evidence shows that global warming is occurring faster than
predicted. If emissions continue unabated, climate change is
likely to accelerate faster than previously forecast.
According to scientific observations of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the warming of the climate
system is unequivocal. As a result of anthropogenic emissions,
atmospheric concentrations of CO2 now far exceed
the natural range over the last 650 000 years. Without a
serious global commitment to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG),
climate change will, in the long term, be likely to exceed the
capacity of natural, managed and human systems to adapt.
Setting the limit to the global average temperature rise to
less than 2°C above the pre-industrial level, is considered by
the scientific community as a threshold beyond which climate
change would become far more dangerous, with the risk of
irreversible and potentially catastrophic environmental
According to the scientific reports, the average global
temperature has increased by 0.8°C over the past 100 years and
is now rising by around 0.2°C per decade. Given the
significant time delay between the release of GHG emissions
and temperature rise, the window of opportunity to remain
below the 2°C temperature ceiling is closing very fast. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates
that 50% to 85% reduction of global GHG emissions is necessary
by 2050.
5. Today
there is a clear recognition that global action is vital.
However, there is little political consensus on how to share
the burden to achieve the necessary 50-85% reduction by 2050
and even less consensus on how to set mid-term economy-wide
quantitative targets for 2020. The consensus is difficult to
reach even amongst the economically most developed
6. The
Assembly regrets that the current commitments under the Kyoto
Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change amount to only 5% of overall reduction of GHG emissions
from developed countries (“Annex I countries”) over a
five-year period from 2008 to 2012. Moreover, only few parties
to the Kyoto Protocol are in a position to meet their current
GHG reduction targets and some developed countries will
considerably exceed those targets. As it currently stands, the
Kyoto Protocol can not generate the level of cuts in GHG
emissions to maintain a stable climate system.
7. The
Assembly therefore calls for an ambitious binding global
agreement with a clear vision for a future low carbon world to
be firmly set at the next meeting of the parties to the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-15) in
Copenhagen. The world has less than a decade to radically
change course. Urgent action is therefore needed right now.
Renegotiating the global agreement on climate change for the
post-Kyoto period after 2012 represents a challenge to reach a
fair balance between the interests of the rich industrialised
countries that carry the overwhelming responsibility for the
past GHG emissions, the interests of the developing countries
with fast growing economies and populations, holding an
increasing share of current GHG emissions, and the interests
of the world’s poorest countries that are most affected by
climate change and that have the least capacity and resources
to adapt to such life-threatening changes.
9. The
Assembly is aware that poor countries and vulnerable citizens
will suffer the most, even though they have contributed the
least to global warming. Their level of poverty is already
extremely high and is further increasing due to global growth,
the global economic recession and global climate change. Taken
together, they represent a triple disaster for the poorest
10. The
Assembly is deeply concerned that failure to act will consign
the poorest 40% of the world’s population – 2.6 billion people
– to a grim future, further jeopardising their right to life,
access to water, access to food, good health, gainful
livelihood, decent housing and security. The Assembly supports
the view expressed in the UNDP Human Development Report 2008
of the United Nations Development Programme, that climate
change demands urgent action in order to address a threat to
two most vulnerable constituencies with a weak political
voice: the world’s poor and the future generations.
Climate change raises important questions about social
justice, equity and human rights across countries and across
generations. The Assembly asserts that the battle against
climate change can and must be won with sufficient political
will to do so. The world lacks neither the financial resources
nor the technological ability to act.
12. The
Assembly believes that climate change represents not only a
threat, but equally an opportunity to envisage a new form of
economic and human development. Given that 19th
century was founded on mass production and the 20th
century on mass consumption, this 21st century
should set focus on the quality of life, respect for nature
and sustainable development. It is therefore important to
invest in a green economy which will set in train a lasting
process of change and meet the economic and environmental
challenges ahead.
13. With
a view to achieving a lasting global agreement, the Assembly
considers that the parties to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) should strive to agree
on two long-term objectives in the post-Kyoto negotiations:
respect for social equity and respect for equity in energy and
resource consumption (ecological footprint). Under the
assumption that equal GHG emissions per capita should be set
as targets for all countries by 2050 (at a level of 2t
CO2 equivalent per capita), the developed countries
will have to take a strong lead to initiate deep and early
cuts in GHG emissions. They must demonstrate that a low carbon
economy is possible and affordable.
According to the 2006 Stern Review Report on the Economic of
Climate Change, mitigating climate change is affordable if
action is taken quickly to reverse the current trends. Meeting
the 2°C target could be achieved with annual global GDP losses
of around 1% by 2050 if early action is taken. When taking
into account co-benefits in terms of energy saving, air
pollution reduction and human health, net costs could be even
significantly lower. The costs of early actions to reduce
climate change are small compared to the relative costs of
impacts due to inaction which are estimated to amount between
5 and 20% of annual global GDP in the long-term.
15. The
Assembly welcomes the strong lead taken by the European Union,
as in the formulation of the Kyoto agreement, in committing to
reduce GHG emissions by 20% compared to 1990 levels by 2020,
and its readiness to sign up to a 30% reduction target if a
sufficiently ambitious and comprehensive international
agreement is reached in Copenhagen that will provide for
comparable reductions by other developed countries and
appropriate actions by developing countries.
16. The
Assembly urges other leading developed countries to match or
exceed the unilateral pledge of the European Union.
17. The
Assembly welcomes the conclusions of the World Business Summit
on Climate Change (26 May 2009) and is convinced that
investment in new clean technologies cannot fail to be of
economic benefit to industry and to corporate development.
18. The
Assembly believes that international co-operation has a
critical role to play at many levels. Co-operation must be
boosted to provide the necessary capacity, technology and
finance for the developing countries, assisting them to adopt
and implement low-carbon development strategies within a set
timeframe. These strategies should define a credible pathway
to limit the country’s emissions through nationally
appropriate mitigation actions that cover all key emitting
sectors, especially the power sector, transport, major
energy-intensive industries, coal and nuclear sectors and,
where significant, forests and agriculture. The global effort
to reduce GHG emissions would be considerably improved if a
post-2012 Kyoto framework incorporated efficient mechanisms
for finance and technology transfers.
19. A
future agreement will follow the principles of the Kyoto
Agreement on Climate Change but will need to be essentially
different in that it will have to apply universally and no
longer be limited to the richer developed countries. It will
have to take into account the necessity of establishing carbon
emission targets for each country. The Assembly fully supports
a more equitable and differentiated approach that gives due
recognition to a country’s population, industrial development
and poverty. Equality and social justice need to be at the
heart of the global climate change agreement.
20. The
Assembly regrets that, despite human migration possibly
becoming the gravest consequence of global warming, this
aspect has not been taken fully account of in the process of
negotiations for the new climate change agreement. The
Assembly deems it essential that the agreed outcome in
Copenhagen should acknowledge the links between the effects of
global warming-induced environmental degradation on migration
and displacement, and the States’ obligations to address these
21. The
credibility of the future global agreement will hinge on
strong participation of major GHG emitters in the developing
world such as China, India, Brazil and Mexico. To meet the 2°C
objective, IPCC reports indicate that developing countries
will need to limit the rise in GHG emissions to 15-30% below
baseline by 2020. However, developing countries ought to have
sufficient flexibility to make the transition to low-carbon
growth at a rate consistent with their capabilities. The great
diversity of situations, vulnerabilities and mitigation
potentials among developing countries has to be recognised and
taken into account in the global agreement.
22. The
credibility of such an agreement will also rely on the
commitment of all stakeholders. It must be fully inclusive and
integrate the decisive role of local and regional authorities
in greenhouse gas reduction policies. Indeed, these levels of
governance hold responsibilities in several fields which
determine the intensity of GHG emissions. They have already
taken many steps to prepare for a "zero carbon" future and to
adapt their territories to the new climatic conditions. Their
action is crucial if national greenhouse gas reduction targets
are to be met. The Assembly welcomes the efforts undertaken in
this field by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
of the Council of Europe and by the leading local and regional
government associations and networks in Europe and in the
23. The
Assembly believes that the global challenge of climate change
requires international co-operation on a scale which is
unprecedented. It requires a global deal. The Assembly
therefore urges the Council of Europe member states and
observer states to negotiate an integrated package comprised
of the following key elements which must be part of the new
global climate change agreement:
reduce world emissions by at least 50% by 2050 compared to
1990, which should be reflected in targets fixed in
Copenhagen and in emission trading;
set immediate and binding targets of 20% to 40% by 2020 and
commit to a reduction of at least 80% by 2050 for all
developed countries, which have to lead by example;
reinforce the role of local and regional authorities in
national action plans, setting strong partnership and
empowering them with capacities and resources;
convincingly demonstrate that low-carbon growth is possible
and affordable in developed countries, including sharing
technologies and creating trading and other financing
mechanisms with developing countries;
undertake nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs)
in developing countries and commit to take on targets at the
latest by 2020;
adopt national emission reductions and carbon trading
schemes in developed countries, which are designed to
integrate trading mechanisms with other countries, including
with developing countries both before and after they adopt
devise an effective international carbon trading regime with
sufficient incentives;
commit to research and development, demonstration and
sharing of new technologies and disseminate existing
technologies – for example developing and scaling up
near-commercial technologies for wind power; solar water
heating, biomass and biogas; creating breakthrough
technologies, including advanced solar technologies and
energy recovery from waste; making a financial commitment to
feed-in tariffs for carbon capture and storage (CCS) for
combat deforestation and include “avoided deforestation”,
fight against erosion, the degradation of soil and
desertification, as well as sea-shell farming and measures
against oil pollution of the ocean in carbon trading;
conserve natural terrestrial, freshwater and marine
ecosystems and restore degraded ecosystems according to the
overall goals of the UNFCCC;
give priority to the needs of the most vulnerable
communities and those most affected by environmental
degradation induced by global warming, and improve
international mechanisms for prevention, vulnerability
reduction, adaptation and humanitarian response to climate
apply ecosystem-based adaptation, which integrates the use
of biodiversity and ecosystem services into an overall
adaptation strategy and which can generate social, economic
and cultural co-benefits and contribute to the conservation
of biodiversity;
allocate overseas assistance to support development goals in
a more hostile climate as a basic requirement of equity.
Those new development goals need to break away from the
current development model which is based on the intensive
use of hydrocarbons from which the whole world must now
find economic solutions based on clean forms of
24. In
conclusion, the Parliamentary Assembly invites the
participants in the United Nations Climate Change Conference
in Copenhagen to reach an agreement on significant global
reduction of greenhouse gases. The Assembly urges the
developed countries to show leadership and demonstrate the
possibility and economic feasibility of substantial reduction
of emissions. For this to happen, it is necessary to integrate
all the tools of GHG emission reduction so that they will
reinforce each other. The window of opportunity is narrow so
the time to act is now. The Assembly recalls that an agreement
is needed at Copenhagen for social justice reasons as well,
because developing countries and vulnerable least developing
countries in particular, will suffer most from impacts of
climate change.
1 Assembly debate on 29 September
2009 (30th Sitting) (see Doc.
12002, report of the Committee on the Environment,
Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs, rapporteur: Mr
Prescott, Doc.
12037, opinion of the Committee on Economic Affairs and
Development, rapporteur: Mr Blom and Doc.
12040, opinion of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and
Population, rapporteur: Mr Chope). Text adopted by the
Assembly on 29 September 2009 (30th
See also
Recommendation 1883 (2009). |