Advancing women’s rights worldwide
Resolution 1860 (2012)1
Despite the numerous commitments made by states in the last
decades to promote gender equality and advance women’s rights,
progress in improving the status of women on a global scale
has fallen short of expectations. The Parliamentary Assembly
calls for a renewed impetus to be given to the protection,
promotion and effective implementation of women’s rights
worldwide as well as their periodic evaluation. The Assembly
underlines that the separation of religion and state is
necessary for the realisation of equality and
non-discrimination, both de jure and de
2. Even
if 187 of the 193 United Nations member states have ratified
the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), 42 have made
reservations to one or more articles, a considerable
proportion of which contradict the spirit of the convention.
In addition, only 103 states have ratified the Optional
Protocol, which recognises the competence of the Committee on
the Elimination of Discrimination against Women to receive
complaints from individuals or groups. The effective
implementation of the convention itself remains
3. The
full achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, in
particular Goal 3 on promoting gender equality and empowering
women and Goal 5 on improving maternal health, appears
unlikely by 2015, contrary to what was agreed at the United
Nations Millennium Summit, the Beijing Conference in 1995 and
the Cairo Conference in 1994.
4. The
Assembly regrets the widespread and systematic discrimination
against women and is concerned that inequalities might deepen
even more as a result of the measures taken by states to
counter the economic and financial crisis. It considers it
important to concentrate efforts in some particular areas, as
lack of progress in them prevents women from enjoying other
5. More
than two thirds of the world’s poor are women, which leads to
secondary discrimination in access to health care, education
and property.
Worldwide, violence affects women disproportionately, with one
in three women being beaten, coerced into sex or abused in
their lifetime. Some 603 million women and girls live in
countries where there is no specific legal protection from
domestic violence; more than one tenth have suffered sexual
violence involving the use of force, often in the context of
armed conflicts; 80% of people trafficked at any given time
are women and children.
7. Some
358 000 women die annually due to complications during
pregnancy and childbirth and worldwide around 14 million girls
between 15 and 19 give birth each year.
Furthermore, one in three women cannot read or write, in a
world where literacy is an essential key to empowerment. Only
19% of parliamentarians worldwide are women, which weakens the
importance of gender equality issues in national agendas and
governments’ political accountability in this area.
Against this state of affairs, the Assembly welcomes the
establishment of UN Women, in 2010, and strongly supports its
activities, hoping that this agency will be able to create a
new momentum for the advancement of women’s rights worldwide,
also by raising their profile and visibility. The Assembly
also welcomes the establishment of UN Women national
10. In
view of these considerations, the Assembly calls on the
Council of Europe member states to:
step up efforts to combat discrimination against women and
to raise the profile of gender equality issues and women's
encourage political decision-makers to take into account the
gender dimension in all policies and legislation through
gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting;
create a system to estimate the economic costs for society
of all the types of discrimination and violence experienced
by women, as well as of failure to address maternal health
needs, and support research on this topic; encourage gender
and age specific data collection in these fields;
encourage research on the differentiated impact of the
economic crisis on women and men and, on this basis,
introduce appropriate measures to redress inequalities;
ensure that comprehensive reproductive health programmes
receive adequate funding, and to lift limitations on access
to reproductive health services both domestically and within
development cooperation, within the limits of the law;
ensure balanced participation and representation of women in
political life and political decision-making bodies. This
can only be achieved if national constitutions allow for the
possibility of positive action if the number of political
mandates is limited and if there is a strong political will
on the part of political parties;
consider including the principle of gender equality in the
system of the European Convention on Human Rights (ETS No.
5), through the elaboration of a new protocol;
sign, ratify and implement the Council of Europe Convention
on preventing and combating violence against women and
domestic violence (CETS No. 210);
if they have not already done so, ratify the Optional
Protocol to the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women.
11. The
Assembly also calls on the Council of Europe member and
observer states, as well as states whose parliaments enjoy
observer and partner for democracy status with the Assembly,
do their utmost to limit reservations to international human
rights instruments, including the Convention for the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women;
withdraw existing reservations to the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
intensify the application of the accountability mechanism in
international treaties, considering that the accountability
failure reinforces gender-based inequality and may lead to
human rights violations;
ensure that UN Women and UN Women national committees and
the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) receive the
resources needed to fulfil their objectives to expand
women’s voice, leadership and participation;
make additional efforts to achieve the Millennium
Development Goals, including Goal 3 on promoting gender
equality and empowering women and Goal 5 on improving
maternal health;
provide support to the United Nations to ensure the conduct
of a global evaluation of the advancement of women’s rights
every ten years starting from 2015.
12. The
Assembly calls on Council of Europe observer states and states
whose parliaments enjoy observer and partner for democracy
status with the Assembly to:
consider seeking accession to the Council of Europe
instruments open to non-member states which would have an
impact on enhancing the status of women and gender equality,
the European Convention on nationality (ETS No. 166);
the Council of Europe Convention on action against
trafficking in human beings (CETS No. 197);
the Council of Europe Convention on the protection of
children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse
(CETS No. 201);
the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and
combating violence against women and domestic
become members of the European Commission for Democracy
through Law (Venice Commission) and submit their laws on
gender equality to it for review.
13. The
Assembly calls on the Secretary General of the Council of
Europe to develop and formalise the existing co-operation
between the Council of Europe and UN Women through an exchange
of letters between the two organisations.
14. The
Assembly resolves to pursue its co-operation in this area with
the European Union and the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
15. The
Assembly also wishes to strengthen its partnership with
non-governmental organisations and parliamentary networks for
the promotion and advancement of women’s rights and encourages
them to continue research on the situation of women’s rights
on a national, regional and international scale in order to
establish trends on progress.
16. The
Assembly calls on the Council of Europe member and observer
states to increase effective technical and political dialogue
between Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the government
by institutionalising spaces for joint decision-making in
countries where they do not exist and effectively using spaces
already in existence.
1 Assembly debate on 26 January
2012 (8th Sitting) (see Doc.
12812, report of the Committee on Equality and
Non-Discrimination, rapporteur: Ms Err). Text adopted by
the Assembly on 26 January 2012 (8th Sitting). |