The challenges posed by climate change
Recommendation 1883 (2009)1
1. The
Parliamentary Assembly, referring to its
Resolution 1682 (2009) on The challenges posed by climate
change, asks the Committee of Ministers to ensure that it is
applied by member states and observer countries.
2. The
Assembly recalls its other relevant texts which should be
taken into consideration when applying
Resolution 1682 (2009), namely
Recommendation 1823 (2008) on global warming and
ecological disasters;
Resolution 1655 (2009) and
Recommendation 1862 (2009) on environmentally induced
migration and displacement: a 21st century
Recommendation 1879 (2009) on renewable energies and the
Resolution 1679 (2009) on nuclear energy and sustainable
Resolution 1588 (2007) on radioactive waste and protection
of the environment;
Resolution 1552 (2007) on capture of carbon dioxide as a
means of fighting climate change;
Recommendation 1653 (2004) on environmental accounting as
a sustainable development tool;
Resolution 1449 (2005) on the environment and the
Millennium Development Goals, and
Resolution 1596 (2008) on protection of the environment in
the Arctic Region.
3. The
Assembly also recalls Recommendation No. 135 (2008)
“Addressing the impacts of climate change on biodiversity”
adopted by the Standing Committee of the Convention on the
Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern
Convention) and relevant texts of the Congress of Local and
Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, in
Recommendation 243 (2008) and Resolution 262 (2008)
on public, local and regional action: for a new energy
Resolution 247 and
Recommendation 230 (2008) on local and regional
authorities committed to sustainable consumption;
Resolution 248 and
Recommendation 231 (2008) on climate change: building
adaptive capacity of local and regional authorities.
4. The
Assembly invites the Committee of Ministers to adopt climate
change as one of its core priorities and to instruct the
relevant bodies of the Council of Europe to consider
addressing this vital issue in their respective activities and
strengthen co-ordination of existing activities related to
climate change across different bodies and through the
different managing structures of the Council of Europe
intergovernmental programmes, including the Bern Convention
and the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity
Strategy (PEBLDS), the European Conference of Ministers
responsible for regional/spatial planning (CEMAT), the
European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement
(EUR-OPA), the European Committee on Migration (CDMG) and
other services in the Directorate of Culture, Cultural and
Natural Heritage, and invite other relevant sectors to
explore the linkages between climate change and human rights
in Europe, including the implications of climate
change-related impacts on the effective enjoyment of human
rights, and the role that human rights obligations can play
in strengthening international policy making in the field of
climate change;
communicate widely current Council of Europe activities
related to climate change.
5. In
view of the preceding, the Assembly draws attention to its
Recommendation …. (2009) on drafting an additional protocol to
the European Convention on Human Rights, concerning the right
to a healthy environment and
Recommendation 1862 (2009) on environmentally induced
migration and displacement: a 21st century
challenge and reiterates its request to the Committee of
Ministers to instruct the relevant expert committee to draft a
new Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights
enshrining the right to a healthy and viable environment as a
human right.
6. The
Assembly also invites the Congress of Local and Regional
Authorities of the Council of Europe to urge local and
regional authorities to take the necessary action to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and to deal with the effects of
climate change.
1 Assembly debate on 29 September
2009 (30th Sitting) (see Doc.
12002, report of the Committee on the Environment,
Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs, rapporteur: Mr
Prescott, Doc.
12037, opinion of the Committee on Economic Affairs and
Development, rapporteur: Mr Blom and Doc.
12040, opinion of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and
Population, rapporteur: Mr Chope). Text adopted by the
Assembly on 29 September 2009 (30th
Sitting). |