Solving property issues of refugees and displaced
Recommendation 1901 (2010)1
Referring to its
Resolution 1708 (2009) on solving property issues of
refugees and internally displaced persons, the Parliamentary
Assembly considers that for both refugees and internally
displaced persons (IDPs), the loss of homes and land presents
a serious obstacle to achieving durable solutions in
post-conflict situations and to restoring justice. Legal
remedies against such loss are an essential component for
restoring the rule of law in post-conflict situations. Such
remedies, including the relevant redress and the mechanisms
and procedures through which such redress is sought and
implemented, are directly linked to stability, reconciliation,
and transitional justice and are therefore indispensable
elements for any constructive peace-building strategy.
2. The
restoration of rights to and physical possession of properties
through restitution, or the provision of equivalent properties
or value though compensation, are essential forms of redress.
The failure to provide such redress perpetuates the
displacement of over 2.5 million people in Europe,
particularly in the North and South Caucasus, the Balkans and
the eastern Mediterranean and constitutes a breach of their
human rights.
3. The
Assembly therefore recommends to the Committee of Ministers
that it instructs the relevant body of the Council of Europe
undertake a study that would examine existing standards and
practice related to redress for the loss of access and
rights to housing, land and property in favour of refugees
and IDPs in European post-conflict settings, and the
procedures and mechanism with which such redress is sought
and implemented. IDPs and refugees should be fully involved
in the study. The study should provide the basis for
detailed guidelines and should focus on the following issues
of particular relevance in the European context:
the nature of the obligation to provide restitution, the
specific circumstances under which restitution may be
deemed impossible and the criteria for deeming what level
of compensation is adequate in such cases;
the modalities of providing redress for the loss of de
facto possessions not formally recognised in law prior to
the modalities of
providing redress for the loss of occupancy and tenancy
criteria for ensuring rapid, accessible and effective
procedures for claiming redress;
further measures of reparation, assistance and redress
necessary to ensure that restitution procedures are
effective and provide redress;
develop detailed guidelines on the basis of the
aforementioned study on how to provide redress for conflict
related loss of access and rights to housing, land and
property in the European context, taking into account the
United Nations Principles on Housing and Property
Restitution for Refugees and Displaced (“Pinheiro
Principles”) and Council of Europe instruments, as well as
international human rights and humanitarian law.
4. The
Assembly reiterates its recommendation to the Committee of
Ministers to establish a new permanent committee within the
Council of Europe with a mandate to examine issues concerning
asylum and IDPs to replace the Ad hoc Committee of experts on
the legal aspects of territorial asylum, refugees and
stateless persons (CAHAR).
1 Assembly debate on 28 January
2010 (8th Sitting) (see Doc.
12106, report of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and
Population, rapporteur: Mr Poulsen). Text adopted by the
Assembly on 28 January 2010 (8th Sitting). |