Ministers’ Deputies
CM Documents
CM/AS(2008)Rec1829 final 15 September 2008
“Transfrontier co-operation”
Parliamentary Assembly
Recommendation 1829 (2008)
adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 11 September 2008 at the
1034th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)
1. The Committee of Ministers has examined
Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1829 (2008) on “Transfrontier
co-operation”, which it transmitted to the European Committee on
Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR), the European and Mediterranean
Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA) and the European Conference of
Ministers responsible for Spatial/Regional Planning (CEMAT). The
comments received are appended to this reply.
2. The Committee of Ministers has taken note of
the recommendations to member states set out in paragraph 13,
including the reference recalling its Recommendation Rec(2005)2 on
good practices in and reducing obstacles to transfrontier and
interterritorial co-operation between territorial communities or
authorities. These have been transmitted to governments of member
states for due consideration. It would like to recall that the
Committee of Ministers welcomed, at their 116th Session, the
initiatives to promote the development of new Euroregions, and took
note of the initiatives particularly in the Adriatic and Black Sea
regions. Moreover, as mentioned in its reply to Congress
Recommendation 187 (2006) on the Adriatic Euroregion, the Committee
of Ministers considers that this type of regional co-operation is a
constructive means of achieving progress in all spheres, including
political, economic and social areas.
3. With regard to paragraph 14.1, the Committee
of Ministers informs the Assembly that work on the draft protocol to
the Madrid Outline Convention on Euroregional co-operation groupings
should be finalised and submitted to the CDLR by the end of 2008.
4. In respect of paragraph 14.2, the Assembly is
invited to note that the CEMAT intends to continue promoting
co-operation at the transfrontier level as part of its activities,
and to extend it to the frontiers of the Council of Europe member
states. With regard to EUR-OPA, it is clear that the very nature of
its work calls for transfrontier co-operation to be regularly taken
into account.
5. The Committee of Ministers informs the
Assembly that the Ministers’ Deputies, at their 1022nd meeting, reaffirmed
their commitment to the Budapest Agenda – which includes a
comprehensive chapter on the development of the transfrontier and
interterritorial co-operation of territorial communities or
authorities – as the basis for intergovernmental co-operation in the
field of local and regional democracy, in particular that to be
carried out by the European Committee on Local and Regional
Democracy (CDLR). At the same meeting, it also approved the terms of
reference of the CDLR’s subordinate Committee of Experts on the
institutions of local and regional government which will assist the
CDLR in the implementation of all activities relating, inter
alia, to transfrontier co-operation of local and regional
6. Finally, it also takes the opportunity to
draw particular attention to the Committee of Ministers’
Recommendation Rec(2007)5 to member states on the conclusion of
transfrontier co-operation agreements in South-East Europe, adopted
by the Committee of Ministers on 31 January 2007.
Appendix 1 to the reply
Comments from the Bureau of the European
Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) on Parliamentary
Assembly Recommendation 1829 (2008)
1. The Bureau of the European Committee on Local
and Regional Democracy (CDLR) has examined Parliamentary Assembly
Recommendation 1829 (2008) on “Transfrontier co-operation” which has
been addressed to the CDLR with the invitation to provide possible
comments by 15 April 2008.
2. Given that the next plenary session of the
CDLR is scheduled on 2 to 4 June 2008, and wishing to respond to the
Committee of Ministers within the prescribed deadline, the Bureau
has adopted the following comments.
3. Transfrontier co-operation of local and
regional authorities is a major priority of intergovernmental
co-operation in the field of local and regional democracy since many
years and is an integral part of the Budapest Agenda for delivering
good local and regional governance. The intergovernmental work has
led in particular to the adoption of three conventions (the Madrid
Outline Convention and its two protocols) and a number of
recommendations by the Committee of Ministers.
4. In addition, activities have been developed
with a view to promoting the implementation of Council of Europe’s
standards by member states, assisting local authorities with the
establishment of cross border co-operation bodies (Euroregions) and
enhancing the capacities of local authorities to plan and implement
cross border co-operation projects.
5. With regard to the specific recommendations
adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly, the Bureau would like to
point out the following:
a. transfrontier co-operation between the member
states of the Council of Europe is a political priority and the
Committee of Ministers is better placed than the CDLR to evaluate
its developments. Local and regional authorities however are very
often the driving force of this bilateral or multilateral
co-operation between states, in the framework of the Madrid Outline
Convention (and its protocols) and of the intergovernmental
activities implemented by the CDLR;
b. the implementation of Recommendation
Rec(2005)2 of the Committee of Ministers on good practices in and
reducing obstacles to transfrontier and interterritorial
co-operation between territorial communities or authorities (and
also of Recommendation Rec(2005)3 on teaching neighbouring languages
in border regions) is an objective for the CDLR. However, it is
dependent on the co-operation and goodwill of member states and the
Committee of Ministers could remind member states of the
availability of the Secretariat to provide assistance if so
requested (awareness-raising of target groups, exchange of good
practices, making translations into non official languages
available, etc.);
c. through its monitoring of the implementation
of commitments entered into by member states, the Committee of
Ministers has a means to urge states concerned to meet their
obligations as concerns ratification of the Madrid Outline
Convention and its protocols. The CDLR, through its regular
exchanges of views on recent developments in member states and its
overview of the state of ratification of conventions falling within
its remit, also provides member states with opportunities to share
information relevant to considering ratification of Council of
Europe’s conventions;
d. the drafting of a protocol on Euroregional
co-operation groupings to the Madrid Outline Convention is an
objective being pursued in accordance with the Warsaw Action Plan
and the Budapest Agenda for Delivering Good Local and Regional
Governance, as revised at the Valencia ministerial conference. The
work is ongoing and the final draft (to which an Appendix containing
an optional uniform law will be attached) will be delivered to the
CDLR by the end of 2008.
Appendix 2 to the reply
Opinion of the Committee of Senior Officials
of the European Conference of Ministers responsible for
Spatial/Regional Planning (CEMAT) on Parliamentary Assembly
Recommendation 1829 (2008)
At the request of the Committee of Ministers,
after considering Parliamentary Assembly Recommendations 1823 (2008)
on “Global warming and ecological disasters” and 1829 (2008) on
“Transfrontier co-operation”, the Committee of Senior Officials of
the European Conference of Ministers responsible for
Spatial/Regional Planning (CEMAT) of the Council of Europe :
– thanks the Parliamentary Assembly for having
transmitted to it the aforementioned recommendations for information
and possible comments;
– recalls the commitment of the Council of
Europe to sustainable development, expressed by the Heads of State
and Government of the Council of Europe member states at their Third
Summit (Warsaw, 17 May 2005), and in particular the CEMAT’s
commitment regarding the specific objective of sustainable
territorial development, reaffirmed in the Guiding Principles for
Sustainable Spatial Development of the European Continent, adopted
at the 12th CEMAT Session in 2000 and recommended to the member
states by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in
Recommendation Rec(2002)1 and in the Ljubljana Declaration on the
territorial dimension of sustainable development adopted at the
13th CEMAT Session in 2003;
– also recalls the Lisbon Declaration on
“Networks for sustainable spatial development of the European
continent: Bridges over Europe” and Resolution No. 2 on territorial
governance: empowerment through enhanced co-ordination, adopted at
the 14th CEMAT Session on 27 October 2006;
– shares the concerns expressed by the
Parliamentary Assembly over global warming and its interest in
transfrontier co-operation;
– notes that these questions are already
included in the 2007-2010 work programme of the CEMAT Committee of
Senior Officials for the preparation of the 15th CEMAT Session to be
held in the Russian Federation on “Future challenges: sustainable
development of the European continent in a changing world”;
– decides to take full account of these
considerations in preparing activities in relation to the themes
discussed, as set out below.
Concerning Recommendation 1829 (2008) on
“Transfrontier co-operation”
The Committee of Senior Officials:
Noting that the Guiding Principles for
Sustainable Spatial Development of the European Continent, adopted
by the European Conference of Ministers responsible for
Spatial/Regional Planning (CEMAT), definitely advert to the
territorial dimension of democracy and of social cohesion policy,
and acknowledge the function of transfrontier co-operation among the
Council of Europe member states, their regions and their local
Adverting to the Lisbon Declaration on “Networks
for sustainable spatial development of the European continent:
Bridges over Europe”, adopted at the 14th CEMAT Session on 27
October 2006;
Noting the contribution made by the CEMAT’s
proceedings hitherto in promoting transfrontier co-operation in the
context of the “pan-European Network of CEMAT Model Regions”;
Recalling especially the work done by Ukraine,
Hungary, Romania, the Slovak Republic and Serbia to implement the
Initiative on the sustainable spatial development of the Tisza/Tissa
river basin;
Decides to continue promoting co-operation at
the transfrontier level as part of its activities, and to extend it
to the frontiers of the Council of Europe member states.