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Resolution CM/ResChS(2008)9
Complaint No. 42/2007
by the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (IFHR) against Ireland

(Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 4 September 2008
at the 1033rd meeting of the Ministers' Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers,1

Having regard to Article 9 of the Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter providing for a system of collective complaints,

Taking into consideration the complaint lodged on 26 February 2007 by the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (IFHR) against Ireland,

Having regard to the report transmitted by the European Committee of Social Rights, in which the European Committee of Social Rights concluded by 10 votes to 4 that there is no violation of either Article 23 in conjunction with Article E or Article 12§4 the Revised Charter,

Takes note of the report.

Note 1 In conformity with Article 9 of the Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter providing for a system of collective complaints, the Contracting Parties to the European Social Charter or to the Revised Social Charter have participated in the vote: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, Turkey, Ukraine, and United Kingdom.



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