Strasbourg, 4 février 2010
Original version
Criminalisation of Migration in Europe: Human Rights Implications
Issue Paper commissioned and published by Thomas Hammarberg,
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
Issue Papers are commissioned and published by the Commissioner
for Human Rights for the purpose of contributing to debate or
further reflection on a current and important human rights matter. All
opinions in these expert papers do not necessarily reflect
the position of the Commissioner.
The present Issue Paper was prepared by Professor Elspeth Guild,
Radboud University, Nijmegen and drafted following an expert workshop
organised by the Commissioner’s Office in Paris on 24-25 September 2009.
Table of Contents
II. An
overview of international responses to the trend of criminalisation of
Criminal law and implications of its use in the field of migration
European migration law and policy developments towards criminalisation
Implications of current European migration law and policy
Conclusions and Recommendations
I. Introduction
On 29 September 2008, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human
Rights (the Commissioner) issued a Viewpoint expressing his concern
regarding the trend to criminalize the irregular entry and presence of
migrants in Europe presented as part of a policy of migration
management. He stated that ‘such a method of controlling international
movement corrodes established international law principles; it also
causes many human tragedies without achieving its purpose of genuine
This Issue Paper builds on the concern of the Commissioner by
examining, systematically, the human rights issues which arise from the
phenomenon in Council of Europe member states of criminalisation of
border crossing by people and of their presence on the territory of a
II. An overview of international responses
to the trend of criminalisation of migration
Concern regarding the use of criminal sanctions, or administrative
sanctions which mimic criminal ones (such as detention), in respect of
border and immigration control issues has been rising for some time.2 The
consequences for refugees of hardening access to European borders backed
up by criminal sanctions, has been questioned by academics,
non-governmental organizations and international organisations.3 In July
2008, ten independent human rights experts of the Special Procedures of
the United Nations Human Rights Council criticised the EU’s directive on
the return of irregular migrants also on grounds of the intersection of
criminal sanctions and immigration control. They stated that “irregular
immigrants are not criminals. As a rule they should not be subjected to
detention at all. Member states are obliged to explore the availability
of alternatives to detention and detention must only be for the
shortest possible period of time.”4 On the treatment of
foreigners in detention more generally, already in 2009, the European
Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), Council of Europe, raised
questions about the practices in Finland, the Netherlands and Portugal.
In 2008, the Committee expressed concern about the treatment of
foreigners seven times, including a highly critical report on facilities
in Greece. A parallel move, which also causes substantial concern, is
the use of criminal law sanctions to punish individuals and businesses
which engage with individuals whose immigration status is either
uncertain or unauthorized.
The issue revolves around the consequences of two quite distinct
fields of law – criminal law and administrative law in the area of
borders, immigration and asylum and how they become woven together. One
of the key challenges of this intersection is the commitment and ability
of states to comply with their human rights obligations. The adoption
of criminal laws establishing offences which can only be committed by or
in respect of foreigners presents important challenges for human rights
norms. First and most centrally is that of non-discrimination. While
discrimination on the basis of nationality is the basis of border
controls on persons – some persons, i.e. citizens have a right to enter
the territory of a state while others, non-citizens do not -
nonetheless, the treatment of non-citizens at the borders does not
escape human rights law. Indeed, the treatment of persons beyond the
state’s physical borders where the state’s agents are in control of the
individual is also subject to states’ human rights obligations.5
Discrimination on the basis of nationality in fields tangential to
border crossing can be contrary to European human right standards as the
European Court of Human Rights has held.6 Member states cannot park
their human rights obligations in their constitutional settlements as
engaging only their own citizens.
III. Criminal law and implications of its
use in the field of migration
a. Criminal law and victims
Criminal law has a very different place in democratic societies from
that of administrative law. Criminal law is designed to punish
individuals who harm other individuals or the society at large. There
are two quite different streams of criminal law: (a) the criminalisation
of acts against individuals, who as a result of the act, become victims
and (b) crimes which do not have a concrete victim but are rather
against society at large. In liberal democracies, crimes against
individuals attract the most concern and attention of the public. The
punishment of individuals who harm other individuals is the most
obviously legitimate task of the criminal justice systems. Crimes
against the general good as defined by the state tend to be more
contested. For instance, approaches to the consumption of drugs across
the EU member states varies substantially on account of the lack of
consensus among populations and the governments which represent them
whether such consumption should be a criminal act where there is no
victim or the victim is the individual making the choice of consumption.
Crimes of border crossing are similarly victimless crimes. Leaving
aside the issue of trafficking in human beings, an individual who
irregularly crosses a border or stays on the territory of a state beyond
his or her permitted period does not harm a specific individual. To the
extent that harm is done at all, it is to the integrity of the state’s
border and immigration control laws.
b. Implications of the language of
Before moving to the specific issues which are giving rise to
concern, it is important to take stock of the language which is used.
Most international organizations, including the Council of Europe,7 and
non-governmental organizations use a fairly neutral terminology when
addressing the question of non-nationals whose presence on the territory
of a state has not been authorized by the state authorities or is no
longer so authorized. The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
highlighted the importance of the language used in its Resolution
1509(2006): “the Assembly prefers to use the term ‘irregular migrant’ to
other terms such as ‘illegal migrant’ or ‘migrant without papers’. This
term is more neutral and does not carry, for example, the
stigmatisation of the term ‘illegal’. It is also the term increasingly
favoured by international organisations working on migration issues.”
However, all the EU institutions and member state governments use the
expression ‘illegal immigrants’ and ‘illegal immigration’ to describe
this category.8
Sadly, these terms are used even in situations where the individuals
concerned have not even approached the EU territory where, for all the
knowledge of EU officials, they may still be in their country of
This use of the term ‘illegal immigrant’ and ‘illegal immigration’ is
erroneous as neither have the individuals necessarily committed a
criminal offence under the laws of any member state nor is the term
immigration legitimate when the individual is a national within his or
her own territory and may or may not be considering travelling abroad.
The choice of language is very important to the image which the
authorities project to their population and the world. Being an
immigrant becomes associated, through the use of language, with illegal
acts under the criminal law. All immigrants become tainted by suspicion.
Illegal immigration as a concept has the effect of rendering suspicious
in the eyes of the population (including public officials) the movement
of persons across international borders. The suspicion is linked to
criminal law – the measure of legality as opposed to illegality. Other
international organizations and governments have chosen to use terms
such as undocumented migrants and migration, or irregular migrants or
immigration. This political choice about the language to use focuses
attention on the relationship of the individual with the mechanisms of
the state to document or regularize status rather than conjuring up
images of police and the criminal justice system.
IV. European migration law and policy
developments towards criminalisation
a. External border crossing
The crossing of external borders of member states of the Council of
Europe is regulated by national law as modified by human rights and EU
obligations. States are under a duty to admit their own nationals. This
is an obligation under Article 3(2) of Protocol N° 4 to the European
Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).10 Membership of the EU
obliges states to admit nationals of any other member state (and their
family members of any nationality) for a period of three months without
formalities unless exclusion can be justified on the basis of public
policy, public security or public health.11 Nationals of other
states may be permitted to enter the state (or not) in accordance with
national and EU law, depending on which applies. For those EU member
states which participate in the Schengen free movement area (i.e. an
area without internal controls on the movement of persons),12 any
third country national (i.e. not a national of any of the participating
states) who holds a document which the issuing state has notified to the
European Commission as valid for the purposes of movement, is entitled
to move for three months within the territory of the states.13
Irregular entry and the individual
Where foreigners who are subject to immigration control, cross
external borders into European states otherwise than in accordance with
the national law on border crossing, in many states an administrative
sanction applies. For instance, this has long been the case in the UK
where so-called ‘illegal entry’ has included not only clandestine entry
onto the territory avoiding any immigration control but also entry
obtained by deceiving an immigration officer who, if in full knowledge
of the facts, would not have permitted the individual entry onto the
territory. However, irregular entry is also a criminal offence
punishable by a fine and/or up to six month imprisonment and expulsion.14 In
Germany, irregular entry (and residence) is an offence under the
criminal law.15
The sanction for the least severe form is imprisonment up to one year
or a fine in addition to expulsion. Similar criminal law sanctions are
provided for irregular entry in Greek immigration law.16 In 2008
Italian law was changed to make the irregular status of aliens who
commit a criminal offence an aggravating circumstance for the purposes
of punishment on conviction. Further, the letting of accommodation to
irregular migrants became a criminal act conviction of which carries a
sentence ranging from 6 months to three years’ imprisonment.17 In 2009
irregular entry became a criminal offence, subject to financial
penalties, in Italy.
Irregular entry and third parties
Activity in the international community has been an important factor
for some member states in adopting criminal laws both in respect of
irregular entry onto the territory and assisting such activities. The UN
Convention against transnational organized crime (2000) and its
Protocols (commonly called the Palermo Protocols) includes the Protocol
against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Air and Sea and the Protocol
to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women
and Children. The Protocols call for sanctions against persons who
assist individual foreigners to cross borders without authorization, the
smuggling Protocol requires signatories to take action where the
activity is for profit and the trafficking Protocol requires sanctions
specifically where exploitation in various forms is present. The Council
of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
(2005) also provides for the criminalisation of human trafficking, of
the use of services of a victim and of acts relating to travel or
identity documents. It is to be noted that in none of these
international treaties is there a provision concerning criminalisation
of irregular entry by the migrant victims of trafficking. In particular,
Article 5 of the 2000 UN Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants
expressly proscribes the criminal liability of migrants who have been
the object of conduct relating to their being smuggled into a country.18
Assisting irregular entry and the smuggling of foreigners is also
commonly a criminal offence. This offence can be carried out by both
citizens and foreigners but must be in respect of a foreigner who does
not have a right of entry onto the territory of a state. For example in
Germany, the offence of people smuggling has been the subject of
substantial modification with important changes being introduced to
crack down on those committing it in 1992 and 1994.19 On 13
May 2009, the Italian lower chamber passed a law which is aimed at
curbing boats run by smuggling rings.20 This is intended to
criminalize the owners or captains of boats bringing foreigners who are
undocumented to Italy.21 In general the ‘security package’ in
Italy presents a number of difficult challenges regarding the
criminalisation of foreigners.22
The Human Rights Challenges
While the European Court of Human Rights has been careful to affirm
the right of states to control their borders, the actions of states at
borders on many occasions may have human rights consequences. First,
Article 2 of Protocol N° 4 to the ECHR provides that everyone shall be
free to leave any country, including his own.23 While there is no
right of entry into another country, where member states collude or
incite third countries to prevent their nationals from leaving their
states of origin (or current residence) out of fear that the individuals
might become ‘illegal’ immigrants in a European state, there is
certainly a question of liability under this Article. Further, the way
in which border controls are applied may engage a duty not to
discriminate against one foreigner in comparison with another unless
this can be justified. Protocol N° 12 to the ECHR contains a general
duty on member states not to discriminate on grounds set out therein.24
Secondly, the conditions under which individuals are refused access
to states or admission may give rise to questions under Article 3 ECHR –
the prohibition on torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment. Thirdly, where the individual arrives irregularly as a
result of flight from torture inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment, then his or her treatment as a criminal may also contravene
Article 3 ECHR. In respect of refugees, the UN Convention Relating to
the Status of Refugees (1951) and its 1967 Protocol specifically
provides, at Article 31(1), that “states shall not impose penalties, on
account of their illegal entry or presence, on refugees who, coming
directly from a territory where their life or freedom was
threatened…enter or are present in their territory without
authorization.” Fourthly, the fact that a person never arrived regularly
on the territory of a state does not exclude the fact that his or her
family life in the state may preclude expulsion. In a case regarding the
Netherlands, the European Court of Human Rights found that the family
life interest of a foreigner who had arrived clandestinely was more
important than the state’s claim to an interest in her expulsion.25
Fifthly, as regards persons who assist foreigners to enter the
territory, the criminalisation of their activities may have human rights
consequences. For instance, a UK court was not satisfied that an
automatic fine against a transporter for carrying persons who were
refused admission was consistent with the transporter’s interest in
private life under Article 8 ECHR.26 Sixthly, any criminal
charge whether it is related to border crossing or not must fulfill the
fair trial obligations of Article 6 ECHR.
b. Immigrants’ residence and employment
Leaving the issue of entry onto the territory, the next area in which
one can see an increasing criminalisation of immigration is regarding
presence on the territory and exercise of economic activities. Here, the
individual foreigner may have arrived lawfully but then overstayed his
or her permitted period of residence or entered into activities which
are not permitted under national law such as working. Increasingly,
states make continued presence on the territory a criminal offence and
in many cases a continuing criminal offence. In practice, it appears
that as long as there is no obstacle to the expulsion of the individual,
many member states continue to use administrative law measures even
though they have at their disposal criminal law sanctions for
overstaying which could be used against foreigners.
Individuals who assist the foreigner whose status is irregular may
also be subject to criminal law sanctions. The case of Jennifer Chary in
France is an example. In April 2009, she was charged with giving aid
and assistance to a person irregularly present in France – the man she
was about to marry. The couple had been living together for over five
months. When they applied to marry they were questioned, the groom was
expelled for irregularity in France and Jennifer Chary was charged with
the offence which carries a penalty of five years in prison and a € 30
000 fine. Following substantial publicity about the case, the prosecutor
decided to drop the charges.27 In Italy, a proposed amendment to the
‘security package’ attempted to repeal the protection for doctors
treating patients with an irregular immigration from prosecution.28
Businesses which employ foreigners without permission to reside are the
subject of criminalisation as well. While many member states fine
companies for failing to check the residence documents of their
employees, the inclusion of criminal sanctions and sanctions which carry
criminal law consequences is increasingly common. Often this
legislation has been put into place under the aegis of anti-trafficking
The UK has recently included on its website the names of all businesses
subjected to administrative fines for employing persons irregularly
present on the territory.30 It is quite surprising that the vast
majority of businesses fined have names which indicate ethnic minority
The Human Rights Challenges
The right to effectively enjoy human rights is not predicated on the
authorization by the state authorities of the presence of an individual
on the territory. As Article 1 ECHR states, it applies to everyone
within the jurisdiction of the Council of Europe member states – this is
not limited to those whom the state has authorized to be there, it
means exactly what it says – everyone. Two human rights are of
particular significance here – the right to enjoy private and family
life contained in Article 8 ECHR, the right not to be subject to torture
or inhuman and degrading treatment contained in Article 3 ECHR.
In respect of the first, the fact that an individual is irregularly
present on the territory of a state is only one consideration in the
assessment of whether his or her private and family life obliges the
member state to provide the individual with a residence permit.31 Thus
the criminalisation of foreigners’ presence on the territory does not
displace the obligation of states to ensure that they respect the
individual’s right to private and family life. Secondly, Article 3 ECHR
requires states to ensure that all persons are protected from torture,
inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. The way in which an
individual is treated on account of being classified as a potential
criminal (or convicted) must fulfill the Article 3 requirements
irrespective of the immigration status of the individual.32 The
denial of food, shelter, medical treatment etc are all potential
breaches of Article 3 ECHR as they may reduce the individual to a
circumstance which is inhuman and/or degrading.33
Third parties, including family members such as Jennifer Chary hoped
to be, are also entitled to rely on Article 8 ECHR to protect their
family life. The most famous case on this issue in which the European
Court of Human Rights set out the threshold for expulsion of foreigners
revolves around facts similar to those of Ms Chary except that this
woman and her husband had managed to marry and thus establish family
The action of the French government which by expelling Chary’s fiancé
on the eve of the wedding effectively prevented her marrying him in
France (though not in Morocco where they subsequently married) may be
questioned as to its consistency with Article 12 ECHR, the right to
marry. Companies and businesses may have a right to work permits for
their employees and most certainly have a right to fair procedures under
Article 6 ECHR in the consideration of their applications.35
Businesses are also entitled to privacy under Article 8 ECHR. The
publication of their names and details of fines made against them in
respect of the status of their employees may be contrary to that right.36
c. Asylum
The criminalisation of persons seeking international protection is a
matter of substantial concern in Europe.37 This takes place in a
number of ways – measures which make access to European territory
extremely difficult for refugees, such as visa requirements, carriers
sanctions, interdiction at sea, criminal sanctions on the using of false
documents etc. Secondly, when asylum seekers manage to arrive in
Europe, they often face further criminal sanctions – criminal charges in
respect of the manner of their arrival, prohibition on employment and
criminalisation of unauthorized employment when there is no functioning
reception system which will permit asylum seekers to eat and have
Criminal penalties for changing address without authorization, failing
to notify state authorities of changes of circumstances and detention
are all increasingly common and permitted in the EU acquis.
The treatment of asylum seekers and those whose asylum applications
have been rejected in Europe has been comprehensively documented by a
number of non-governmental organizations in reports which raise serious
questions about human rights compliance.39 Again, the
criminalisation of third parties here too constitutes part of the
problem. Transporters are fined and increasingly subject to criminal
sanctions if they bring to EU member states persons who are not
admissible or who have forged documents. But refugees are often unable
to get genuine documents as they fear persecution from their
authorities. Thus carriers’ sanctions may result in refugees being
obliged to use the services of smugglers who provide them with false or
forged documents in order to get around the vigilance of the carriers.
The result, however, may be that the refugee commits a criminal offence
the moment he or she arrives on the territory of the state by having
false documents.40 The carriers are fined for carrying the
individuals. Third parties, often family members of the asylum seeker,
who facilitated the entry of the individual into the state, are often
the objects of criminal charges of smuggling human beings.41
The Commisssioner believes that of all the areas of criminalisation
of migration, the fate of asylum seekers is indeed the most problematic
at the moment in Europe. Governments appear to have invested too much
political capital in ‘being tough’ on asylum seekers. This has resulted
in the use of criminal laws against persons seeking protection and
highly unsatisfactory and contradictory protection rates in different EU
countries. For example, of Afghan asylum seekers in Europe in 2008,
according to UNHCR, 67% who sought protection in Italy received it; 80%
seeking protection in Austria received a status; 95% in Finland and 0%
of those Afghans seeking protection in Greece received any protection at
Those whose applications are refused, in other words 100% of those
seeking protection in Greece risk committing the criminal offence of
staying without authorization while 95% of them might, had they managed
to apply in Finland, have received protection.43
The detention of asylum seekers in Europe has also raised deep
concern in the international community. The European Court of Human
Rights found Greece in violation not only of Article 3 as regards the
detention of a Turkish asylum seeker because the conditions of detention
were so poor, but also of Article 5(1)(f) ECHR (the power to detain at
all) on two key grounds: first, the attempted prosecution of the asylum
seeker on the basis of irregular entry into the country (he swam across
the border from Turkey); secondly, the authorities failed to take into
account the fact that he was an asylum seeker and therefore could not be
expelled until a consideration of his application had been completed.
The Court noted that the Greek authorities had not justified the
detention of the man on the grounds of public order or security and thus
it constituted a human rights breach.44 As the Commissioner
has said “The conclusion of [Council of Europe and international]
standards is that detention upon entry of asylum seekers should be
allowed only on grounds defined by law, for the shortest possible time
and only for the following purposes:
· To verify the identity of the refugees;
· To determine the elements on which the claim to refugee status is
· To deal with cases where refugees have destroyed their travel
and/or identity documents or have used fraudulent documents to mislead
the authorities of the country of refuge;
· To protect national security or public order.”45
The Human Rights Challenges
The UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (1951) and its
1967 Protocol require states not to refoule46 to persecution anyone
who has a well found fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion,
nationality, membership of a particular social group or political
opinion (Article 1A). Article 3 of the UN Convention against torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) and
Article 3 ECHR prohibit the forced return of any person to a country
where there is a substantial risk that he or she would suffer torture
(and in the case of the ECHR, also inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment). The criminalisation of the means of arrival, within the
asylum determination procedure and of presence once an application has
been rejected, all have a cumulative effect (with all too common popular
media depiction of asylum seekers as ‘criminals’) of rendering the
position of refugees and asylum seekers particularly fragile and exposed
to criminal sanctions.
d. Detention
Lengthy detention of migrants has been a major facet of the
phenomenon of criminalisation of migration in Europe. The Council of
Europe Parliamentary Assembly has paid particular attention to this and
has invited member states to ‘progressively proscribe administrative
detention of irregular migrants and asylum seekers, drawing a clear
distinction between the two groups, and in the meantime allow detention
only if it is absolutely necessary to prevent unauthorised entry into
the country or to ensure deportation or extradition, in accordance with
the European Convention on Human Rights’, as well as to ‘ensure that
detention is authorised by the judiciary’.47
The use of detention as a pre-expulsion mechanism has blossomed
across Europe over the past ten years. The non-governmental
organization, Migreurop, has kept and updates a map of all the detention
camps for foreigners in Europe.48 A quick look at that
map indicates that there are hundreds of such camps, dotted across the
European landscape. The French NGO, Cimade, published a report on
administrative detention in France over 400 pages long signaling serious
problems. UNHCR highlighted another problem regarding the detention of
foreigners – the appalling conditions of detention which foreigners are
all too frequently subjected to in detention.49
As the CPT has stated on many occasions, persons in detention are at
higher risk than the non detained of suffering human rights abuses. The
concern of the CPT regarding the detention of foreigners is well
evidenced in its compilation of standards which includes a specific
section on the treatment of foreigners detained under aliens
The CPT has made clear that it does not accept the argument that
foreigners held in detention are not detainees because they can leave
the state whenever they wish. The Committee has expressed its grave
concern that foreigners are detained in prisons, a practice it considers
fundamentally flawed.51 Further, the use of coercion in the
context of expulsion procedures has been addressed by the CPT which
states “Law enforcement officials may on occasion have to use force in
order to effect [such] a removal. However, the force used should be no
more than is reasonably necessary. It would, in particular, be entirely
unacceptable for persons subject to an expulsion order to be physically
assaulted as a form of persuasion to board a means of transport or as a
punishment for not having done so.”52 The separation of the
individual from the community in circumstances which permit the guards
very substantial power over the well being of the individual puts such
persons at special risk and as such in need of particular attention. The
increasing use of detention against foreigners is a matter of grave
concern to the CPT.
The Human Rights Challenges
Lawful detention, under Article 5 ECHR, is an exception to the right
to personal liberty and security. That exception is strictly delineated
and permitted in respect of persons convicted by a court, for the
purpose of bringing a person before a court, in respect of minors,
persons with illnesses and foreigners. For foreigners, the exception
must be justified on the grounds that “the lawful arrest or detention of
a person [is] to prevent his effecting an unauthorized entry into the
country or of a person against whom action is being taken with a view to
deportation or extradition.”
The European Court of Human Rights had to consider the lawfulness of
the detention of a foreigner for administrative purposes when his
expulsion was not contemplated.53 The Court stated that it had “regard to
the importance of Article 5 in the Convention system: it enshrines a
fundamental human right, namely the protection of the individual against
arbitrary interferences by the State with his right to liberty”
(paragraph 63). However, it considered that “until a State has
‘authorised’ entry to the country, any entry is ‘unauthorised’ and the
detention of a person who wishes to effect entry and who needs but does
not yet have authorisation to do so, can be, without any distortion of
language, to ‘prevent his effecting an unauthorised entry.” However, the
Court went on to state that “to avoid being branded as arbitrary…such
detention must be carried out in good faith; it must be closely
connected to the purpose of preventing unauthorised entry of the person
to the country; the place and conditions of detention should be
appropriate, bearing in mind that ‘the measure is applicable not to
those who have committed criminal offences but to aliens who, often
fearing for their lives, have fled from their own country’ (see Amuur,
§ 43); and the length of the detention should not exceed that
reasonably required for the purpose pursued” (paragraph 74). In view of
the serious consequences of detention for the individual, the guidelines
for legality set out by the Court are very important. States must not
just lock up foreigners because of their status as such (i.e. without
authorization) and throw away the key.
e. Implications for social rights
Access to social rights such as health care or accommodation is
fundamentally affected by the criminalisation of foreigners. When state
authorities make a decision that an individual is no longer regularly on
the territory the consequences for his or her access to social rights
is essentially changed. While foreigners who are lawfully present on the
territory and working lawfully enjoy protection under the European
Social Charter, those who are in an irregular status in practice
generally do not.54 Thus at the stroke of an administrative
pen, authorities can extinguish foreigners’ rights and access to social
benefits and housing notwithstanding the fact that the foreigners may be
working, paying social insurance contributions or have a long record of
contributions in the past.
The Human Rights Challenges
The European Court of Human Rights has held that social benefits come
within the scope of Article 1 of the first Protocol to the ECHR, as a
property right, even in circumstances where there is no longer a
contributory element to the social benefit or where the individual has
never worked and made contributions.55 Similarly, they may
come within the scope of Article 8 ECHR where the state makes them
available to families of their nationals and thus the non-discrimination
duty in Article 14 (and potentially Protocol N° 12) requires such
benefits also to be made available to foreigners with family members who
meet the criteria.56 Further, the European Committee of Social
Rights, the body charged with supervising the application of the
European Social Charter, has held that “legislation or practice which
denies entitlement to medical assistance to foreign nationals, within
the territory of a State Party, even if they are there illegally, is
contrary to the Charter.”57 The Commissioner has expressed his human
rights concerns in the specific case of Italy where in 2008 a law has
been passed which makes it a criminal offence to let accommodation to
persons irregularly present (and allows for the seizure of property and
income from it on this ground), while in 2009 there was a government
proposal to lift the ban on medical personnel notifying the authorities
regarding access to medical services by persons irregularly present on
the territory.58 A particularly vulnerable group of
migrants in need of effective access to health care are those who become
disabled while trying to cross borders, as in the case of maimed
migrants who attempt to cross the mined areas of the Greek-Turkish
borders in Evros.59 It is to be noted that treatment accorded
by states to this group of persons may raise very serious issues with
regard to their right to life (Article 2 ECHR) and their freedom from
inhuman or degrading treatment (Article 3 ECHR).
V. Implications of current European
migration law and policy
This section focuses on the measures which have been adopted by the
European Union, a major actor in the field of European immigration and
asylum, which touch on the question of criminalisation. Most of the
measures discussed below set minimum standards. Thus it is in the
transposition of the measures that member states are at risk of failing
to comply with their obligations under international or European human
rights treaties.
On 1 December 2009 the Lisbon Treaty entered into force and made the
EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights legally binding. Also in December the
EU adopted the new five year programme for the development of its Area
of Freedom, Security and Justice within which the law and policy of the
EU regarding border controls on persons, immigration and asylum are
found (the Stockholm Programme). In this context, the question of human
rights compliance is central to the legitimacy and the legality of the
existing and forthcoming EU legislative programme in these areas.
Already the European Commission undertakes impact assessments of
proposed legislation which include fundamental rights however the
comprehensiveness of these assessments is somewhat disputed.60
The EU’s Charter on Fundamental Rights is an internal EU Charter
which repeats the key provisions of the ECHR and adds rights which
derive from EU law. As it takes a legally binding form, any failure to
meet the standards set out in the ECHR will also result in a breach of
the EU’s internal Charter. The EU Charter will make the justiciability
of human rights standards included in it simpler within the EU system
without diminishing the responsibility of the EU Member States within
the Council of Europe human rights system.
The EU’s new five year programme for border controls on persons,
immigration and asylum (and other related areas of AFSJ) calls for the
EU to accede to the ECHR. Should this be achieved there will be a more
coherent and comprehensive system whereby the EU participates in the
ECHR directly rather than indirectly through its member states. Sadly,
the Stockholm Programme continues to use the language of “illegal
immigration” calling for effective policies to combat it. On a more
positive note, the Programme calls for these policies to be implemented
with full respect for the principle of “non-refoulement” and for the
fundamental rights and dignity of the individual.
Until 2003, it was generally believed that EU hard law (directives
and regulations) could not include criminal sanctions. A series of
decisions by the European Court of Justice clarified that such hard law
measures could include criminal sanctions in the pursuit of objectives
of the European Community. The first hard law measure to be adopted in
the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice which includes such
criminal sanctions is the Directive providing for minimum standards on
sanctions and measures against employers of illegally staying third
country nationals (adopted on 25 May 2009). Earlier EU measures in the
field either permit and encourage the use of criminal sanctions or are
adopted in the EU’s so-called Third Pillar, in the form of Framework
Decisions, which while binding on the member states are subject to less
rigorous implementation obligations. Each part of this section will be
divided into two: (a) direct and (b) indirect criminalisation measures.
a. External border crossing
Direct measures
The EU adopted Regulation 562/2006, the Schengen Borders Code,
on 15 March 2006. It entered into force in the member states on 13
October 2006.61
This Regulation sets out the circumstances under which a non-EU
national (or his or her family members) may enter the EU and the basis
on which he or she may cross the internal borders of the member states.
The objective is, among other things, crime related. The policing aspect
of border controls is apparent in particular in actions required around
the identification of stolen, misappropriated, lost and invalid
documents and the presence of signs of falsification or counterfeiting
(Article 7(2)).
On 28 November 2002, the EU adopted Directive 2002/90 defining
the facilitation of unauthorized entry, transit and residence. Member
states were required to transpose it into national law by 5 December
This directive requires member states to adopt appropriate sanctions
for intentionally assisting a person who is not a national of a member
state, to enter, or transit across the territory of a member state in
breach of the laws of the state concerned with the entry or transit of
aliens or assisting for financial gain, a person (similarly qualified as
above) to reside within the territory of a member state in breach of
the laws of the state concerned on the residence of aliens (Article 1(a)
and (b)). The sanctions must be effective, proportionate and dissuasive
(Article 3).
In the so-called Third Pillar of the EU, a Framework Decision on
facilitating unauthorized entry, transit and residence, 2002/20/EC,
was adopted on 28 November 2002 to be transposed by the member states
at the latest by 5 December 2004. This measure is tied to Directive
2002/90 in that it provides that the sanctions which can be applied to
those who help foreigners include deportation and a prohibition on
practicing directly or through an intermediary the occupational activity
in the exercise of which the offence was committed. Member states are
required to take “measures necessary to ensure that a legal person held
liable for an offence is punished by effective, proportionate and
dissuasive sanctions." The inclusion of deportation as a sanction
indicates that the drafters certainly contemplated that the offence
would be committed by foreigners rather than or in addition to
nationals. A discretionary humanitarian exception is included.
Directive 2001/51 strengthens the sanctions on assisting
foreigners through its express extension to carriers. This directive had
to be transposed into national law by 11 February 2003. Article 4 of
the directive provides that member states shall take “necessary measures
to ensure that the penalties applicable to carriers…are dissuasive,
effective and proportionate” and sets out minimum sums which must be
Framework Decision 2002/629 adopted on 19 July 2002 creates
criminal offences around the trafficking in human beings. The decision
requires each member state to take effective, proportionate and
dissuasive sanctions, including criminal or non-criminal fines in
respect of the recruitment, transport, transfer, harbouring, subsequent
reception of persons, including exchange of control. The objective must
be for the purpose of exploitation of the person’s labour or services,
including forced or compulsory labour or services, slavery or practices
similar to slavery or exploitation of the prostitution of others or
other forms of sexual exploitation including pornography (Article 1(1)
& (2)).
Indirect measures
There are three main databases which the EU has at its disposal in
respect of foreigners. The first is the Schengen Information System.
While this database also holds information on EU nationals in relation
to criminal justice issues, the vast majority of information held on it
is in relation to foreigners. It is the list of those people whose entry
onto EU territory has been prohibited by one of the member states.63 For
the moment, the SIS does not contain biometric data, though it does
perform a stigmatization function which it tantamount to
The second database is EURODAC which contains the fingerprints of all
persons who have applied for asylum or have been apprehended when
irregularly crossing an external frontier. The European Commission
proposed in September 2009 that this database be made available to all
EU law enforcement agents. This places asylum seekers at further risk of
stigmatization as ‘criminals’.
The third is the Visa Information System (VIS) which is under
construction and according to the EU Presidency should be operational
within 2 years. The VIS will contain information on every person who
applies for a visa to enter the EU. It will include all the information
required on a standard visa application form as well as biometric data
in the form of facial images and ten fingerprints (unless the person has
fewer than ten fingers). Regulation 767/2008 which establishes
the VIS states among its purposes: “to contribute
to the prevention of threats to the internal security of any of the
Member States.”65 Article 3(1) states “The designated
authorities of the Member States may in a specific case and following a
reasoned written or electronic request access the data kept in the VIS
referred to in Articles 9 to 14 if there are reasonable grounds to
consider that consultation of VIS data will substantially contribute to
the prevention, detection or investigation of terrorist offences and of
other serious criminal offences”. ‘Designated authorities’ are those
designated by member states and by Europol for the purposes of the
prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of
other serious criminal offences. Thus visa applicants find themselves
classed together with persons suspected of committing terrorist or other
serious crimes. Of course, not all foreigners are visa nationals. Only
those persons whose countries of nationality are contained on the black
list attached to Regulation 539/2001 (as amended) must obtain
visas to enter the EU for short stays. An examination of the countries
on that black list indicates that their most striking common
characteristics are that most of their nationals are (a) not white; (b)
Muslim and/or (c) poor (in relation to the EU average).66
b. Immigrants’ residence, employment and
Above reference was made to Directive 2002/90 defining the
facilitation of unauthorized entry, transit and residence which applies
equally to residence on the territory. Most of the measures in this
section which have criminalizing effects relate to expulsion.
Direct Measures
Directive 2001/40 on mutual recognition of expulsion decisions
provides a mechanism whereby a decision adopted against a foreigner in
one member state may be automatically treated as equivalent in another
member state for the legality of expulsion of the individual. The
language of illegality is not used in the Directive (with the exception
of preamble (1)). Article 3(1) of the Directive provides that it applies
to decisions taken against foreigners on the basis of a serious and
present threat to public order or to national security where: a) there
has been a conviction for an offence punishable by a penalty involving
deprivation of liberty for at least one year; b) there are serious
grounds for believing that the foreigner has committed serious criminal
offences or the existence of solid evidence of his/her intention to
commit such offences within the territory of a member state (Article
3(1)(a) & (b)).
The threshold in respect of which a foreigner becomes categorized as
an unacceptable criminal risk (ie a threat to public order or national
security) is surprisingly low. Taking into account the variations among
the member states of penalties for different types of offences, this
includes, in some member states, very minor crimes. Further, the ground
of suspicion is somewhat problematic.
Directive 2009/52, providing for minimum standards on sanctions and
measures against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals,
is the first hard law measure in this area which explicitly includes
criminal sanctions. The preamble states that member states should
strengthen their activities in the fight against illegal immigration
(preamble (1)). Further “[a] key factor for illegal immigration into the
EU” according to the preamble “is the possibility of obtaining work…”
(preamble (2)). Two definitions are central to the directive: first an
illegally staying third-country national is a foreigner who does not
fulfil or no longer fulfils, the conditions for stay or residence in
that member state. Secondly, ‘illegal employment’ is defined as the
employment of an illegally staying third-country national. The offences
created in the Directive all revolved around the employment of
‘illegally staying’ foreigners. Member states are required to prohibit
the employment of ‘illegally staying’ foreigners. Employers are obliged
to document their efforts to ensure they have not employed a prohibited
person in a variety of ways set out in the directive (Articles 4 et
seq). The employer who is found to have breached the duty is subject to
civil law penalties, repayment of wages and social contributions where
appropriate and criminal sanctions (Article 9). The criminal offence
must be punishable by effective, proportionate and dissuasive criminal
penalties (Article 10).
Directive 2008/115 on common standards and procedures in
member states for returning illegally staying third-country nationals
has incurred substantial criticism not least from a number of UN Special
Rapporteurs (see above). The language of the directive is very much
couched in terms of illegal immigrants – for instance preamble (8)
states “it is recognised that it is legitimate for Member States to
return illegally staying third-country nationals…” The Directive
provides at Article 6(1) that “Member States shall issue a return
decision to any third-country national staying illegally on their
territory,” without prejudice to a number of exceptions contained in the
provision. The use of the terminology of illegality renders a certain
legitimacy to the provisions on use of coercive force by the state.
Article 8(4) provides “Where Member States use – as a last resort –
coercive measures to carry out the removal of a third-country national
who resists removal, such measures shall be proportionate and shall not
exceed reasonable force.” That a state should use coercive force against
an individual outside of the criminal justice system and the strict
controls on the police in such circumstances, is a matter of some
contention, particularly in light of findings in various member states
of the ill treatment of third country nationals in expulsion procedures.67 If the
foreigners were described as undocumented, the use of coercive force
against them might be harder to justify. The language of criminalisation
assists in justifying the deployment of coercive enforcement techniques
in the field.
Indirect Measures
Directive 2003/110 on assistance in cases of transit for the
purposes of removal by air aims to end ‘illegal residence of third
country nationals who are the subject of removal orders’ (preamble (1)).
The terminology of the directive is very much oriented towards that of
convicted (and possibly dangerous) criminals.
c. Asylum
Direct Measures
Directive 2003/9 sets out the minimum standards for the
reception of asylum seekers in the member states. It applies to all
persons who apply for asylum in a member state and sets out what member
states must ensure as regards conditions of life. Article 16(3) relates
to the provision of accommodation for asylum seekers. It states “Member
States may determine sanctions applicable to serious breaches of the
rules of the accommodation centres as well as to seriously violent
behaviour.” There is an obvious overlap with criminal law as the
criminal law of most member states provides for crimes of damage to
property or assault against persons. The sanctions available include
“Decisions for reduction, withdrawal or refusal of reception conditions
or sanctions….shall be taken individually, objectively and impartially
and reasons shall be given. Decisions shall be based on the particular
circumstances of the person concerned…” (Article 16(4)). As the
reception conditions are by their very nature minima, allowing states to
lower them as a sanction against criminal behaviour means that the
individual may be reduced to a state of abject poverty.
Indirect Measures
Regulation 2725/2000 provides for the creation of a database
containing the fingerprints of all asylum seekers in the EU and those
persons apprehended irregularly crossing an external frontier.68 As
mentioned above the Commission has proposed allowing all EU law
enforcement agencies access to the database.
Directive 2005/85 establishes the minimum standards on
procedures in member states for granting and withdrawing refugee status.
While the language of `unlawful´ is used rather than `illegal´ (see for
instance Article 23(4)(l) “the applicant entered the territory of the
Member State unlawfully…”) a number of its provisions raise questions as
to an indirect effect in criminalizing asylum seekers. For instance,
Article 11 imposes a series of obligations on asylum seekers which
otherwise only apply to persons under suspicion of or convicted of
committing a criminal offence.69 These include: a duty to report to the
authorities at any time designated by the later; a duty to hand over all
their identity documents and any other documents which the authorities
consider relevant to the application; a duty to inform the authorities
of any change of address coupled with no duty on the authorities to
ensure that correspondence is necessarily sent to the correct address; a
power to the authorities to search the individual and his or her
belongings at any time without specifying a reason; a power to the
authorities to record the individual without consent.
d. Detention
The banalisation of the detention of foreigners on the grounds that
they are not citizens has been much discussed elsewhere.70 This
section focuses on three EU measures which include provisions to limit
the liberty of foreigners.
Direct Measures
Directive 2008/115 (already referred to above) on common
standards and procedures in Member states for returning illegally
staying third country nationals provides in Chapter IV - Detention for
the Purpose of Removal - that foreigners may be detained for the
purposes of return or removal where other less coercive measures cannot
be applied (Article 15(1)). The examples given for the use of detention
are: where there is a risk of absconding; where the foreigner avoids or
hampers the preparation of return of the removal process (Article
15(1)(a) & (b)). In the first instance, detention must not exceed
six months (Article 15(5)). However, this period can be extended for a
further twelve months.
Directive 2005/85 on minimum standards on procedures for
asylum also includes a provision on detention. Here it is stated “Member
States shall not hold a person in detention for the sole reason that
he/she is an applicant for asylum” (Article 18(1)). Where held in
detention, the second part of this provision requires “the possibility
of speedy judicial review.”
Finally, Directive 2003/9 on reception conditions for asylum
seekers contains an oblique reference to detention in Article 7(3) “when
it proves necessary, for example, for legal reasons or reasons of
public order, Member States may confine an applicant to a particular
place in accordance with their national law.” Confinement is another way
of speaking of detention. There is a proposal under discussion to
extend the provisions on detention in this Directive.
VI. Conclusions and Recommendations
As can been seen from the above description of the Council of Europe
member states’ and EU measures which relate to the criminalisation of
migration, there is a steady advance of the discourse of ‘illegality’ in
migration law and policy. While the early EU legislation refrains from
using the terminology, after about 2003, it becomes common currency
appearing again and again throughout documents, legislation and
This trend is of questionable consistency with the human rights
obligations of the member states and their activities within the Council
of Europe. As regards human rights, all the EU measures discussed above
confirm, at least in their preambles, that they comply with the EU’s
fundamental rights obligations. Explicit references are made to member
states’ duties under the ECHR and, in asylum related measures to the UN
Refugee Convention. However, the recognition of these commitments does
not appear to influence, in practice, the approach towards
Two aspects of the EU’s criminalisation of foreigners are striking.
First there is the pervasive way in which the measures (a) separate
foreigners from citizens through an elision of administrative and
criminal law language and (b) subject the foreigner to measures which
cannot be applied to citizens, such as detention without charge, trial
or conviction. Secondly, there is the criminalisation of persons,
whether citizens or foreigners who engage with foreigners. The message
which is sent is that contact with foreigners can be risky as it may
result in criminal charges. This is particularly true for transport
companies (which have difficulty avoiding carrying foreigners) and
employers (who may be better able to avoid employing foreigners at all).
Other people, going about their daily life, also become targets of this
criminalisation such as landlords, doctors, friends etc. Contact with
foreigners increasingly becomes associated with criminal law. The result
may include rising levels of discrimination against persons suspected
of being foreigners (often on the basis of race, ethnic origin or
xenophobia and/or hate crime.73
The Council of Europe member states should reverse these trends and
establish a human rights compliant approach to irregular migration.
For this reason a number of recommendations are provided below, as a
starting point to ensure the correct intersection of human rights and
the treatment of foreign nationals. They touch on hard issues of
sovereignty versus the dignity of the individual. But the duty of
Council of Europe member states to protect the individual and promote
human rights is not limited to states’ own nationals. The treatment of
the foreigner is the challenge in respect of which the commitment of
member states to human rights is measured internationally.
The key issues which need to be considered and the recommendations
come within the following six categories.
1. General policy and law-related issues
· The language which Council of Europe member states use regarding
foreign nationals must exclude the term ’illegal immigrant’. The term is
counter productive and misleading. People are not ‘illegal’. Their
status vis-à-vis state authorities may not be regular but that does not
render the individual somehow beyond humanity.
· Member states should refrain from adopting criminal laws which
apply exclusively to foreign nationals unless this is specifically and
clearly justified on grounds of international human rights commitments
and is consistent with the Council of Europe treaties applicable.
· Member states should not use the term ‘illegal immigrant’ or
‘illegal immigration’ in their press releases and discourage the use
generally in the media. Ministers and other public officials should be
vigilant in this regard in all their public and semi-public
pronouncements and deliberations.
2. External border crossing
· Foreign nationals arriving at the external borders of member
states should be treated with respect and dignity. Their application to
enter the state should be considered on the merits and not be tainted by
discrimination which is prohibited in human rights law.
· Border guards should not use the language of ‘illegal immigrant’.
Any decision to refuse admission to the state to an individual should
not have any automatic consequence as regards criminal law.
· Where individuals arrive at places outside designated border
crossing points, the reasons for such arrival must be taken into account
and not permitted to colour or otherwise prejudice the consideration of
their application to enter the state.
· In whatever circumstances an individual makes apparent his or her
claim to international protection (whether through an indication of
fear to return to the country of destination or a more express claim)
the individual must be able to enjoy his or her international law right
to non-refoulement and to protection during the consideration of the
3. Immigrants' residence and employment
· Member states must ensure that their administrative systems are
sufficiently effective that foreign nationals’ residence does not become
irregular merely because the authorities have failed to deal with an
application in a timely manner.
· Where necessary, member states should ensure that their legal
systems provide that so long as the authorities have failed to make a
decision on a foreigner’s outstanding application which was made before
the individual’s permission to reside expired, the individual is
entitled to residence and economic activities until there is a final
· Member states must ensure that foreigners receive documentation
at each stage of their residence which clarifies to all other
authorities both public and private, the individual’s residence status
so that they can prove beyond doubt the regularity of their residence
and employment.
· Where a member state has refused a foreigner residence, but
failed to ensure his or her departure within 30 days, the state must
issue the individual with at least a preliminary residence document and
permission to work. States may not leave people in limbo neither
permitted to be present nor expelled.
· Where there is no reasonable prospect of expelling a foreigner
within 30 days of the individual coming to the attention of the
authorities, he or she should be given a preliminary residence document
and permission to work.
4. Asylum
· All Council of Europe member states are committed to protecting
those in need of international protection because they fear persecution,
torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in their home
country. Full and inclusive effect must be given to this commitment.
· Wherever an individual in need of international protection and
outside his or her country of origin or persecution comes into contact
with the authorities of a state and indicates his or her need for
protection, the state authorities must protect the individual and
consider the application in accordance with their international
· Where an individual seeks international protection, state
authorities must register the claim in a timely manner and ensure that
the individual receives documents confirming the regularity of his or
her presence on the territory.
· All persons seeking international protection in Council of Europe
states must be provided with their basic needs (housing, food, health
care, education) while their applications are under consideration.
· Where an application for international protection is rejected,
state authorities must ensure that the individual can return in dignity
to his or her country of origin or issue the individual with a
preliminary residence document and permission to work.
5. Detention
· No one should be subject to detention of any kind on the sole
basis that he or she is not a national.
· Every migrant’s detention should be subject to an effective
judicial review.
· As a matter of principle, no person seeking international
protection should be subject to detention.
· Any place of detention must provide conditions of detention which
meet the needs of the individuals and fulfil the requirements set out
by the Council of Europe standards.
· No migrant child should ever be subject to detention. The fact of
having a dependent child must be ground for an adult not to be detained
except in accordance with the lawful order of a criminal court.
6. Social rights
· Differences in access to social rights on the basis of
nationality must be subject to anxious scrutiny to ensure that they are
consistent with the human rights obligations of Council of Europe member
· No difference in access to social benefits should be based
exclusively on nationality.
· The level of minimum entitlement to social benefits should not
discriminate between foreigners and citizens – if a state assesses that a
level of poverty is unacceptable for its citizens then the same level
should also apply to foreign nationals.
· The fact that a foreign national’s presence on the territory of a
state is unauthorised should not be the primary consideration regarding
access to social benefits. It should never be a consideration regarding
access to emergency health treatment.
· The duty of confidentiality between health professionals and
their patients, educators and their students and other professionals
should always be respected and never subject to reporting possibilities
regarding immigration status.
2 M
Lee, ‘Human Trade and the criminalisation of irregular migration’
International Journal of the Sociology of Law 33 (2005) 1 – 15. E Guild
& P Minderhoud Immigration and Criminal Law in the European
Union: The Legal Measures and Social Consequences of Criminal Law in
Member states on Trafficking and Smuggling in Human Beings Martinus
Nijhoff, Leiden, 2006. R Cholewinski ‘The Criminalisation of Migration
in EU Law and Policy’ in A Baldaccini, E Guild & H Toner, Whose
Freedom, Security and Justice? EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy
Hart, Oxford, 2007 pp 301 – 336.
Oxfam, Foreign territory : the internationalisation of EU asylum
policy, Oxfam, Oxford, 2005. R Cholewinski, Study on obstacles
to effective access of irregular migrants to minimum social rights, Council
of Europe, Strasbourg, 2005; Médecins sans Frontières Not
Criminals: Médecins dan Frontières Exposes Conditions for Undocumented
Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Maltese Detention Centres April
2009; S Palidda, Criminalisation and Victimization of Migrants in
Europe University of Genoa, 2009.
For instance, the acts of visa and consular officials in countries of
origin of individuals etc. See also E Guild, Security and European
Human Rights: protecting individual rights in times of exception and
military action, Wolf, Nijmegen, 2006.
See for instance Gaygusuz v Austria, judgment of 16
September 1996 ; Koua Poirrez v France, judgment of
30 September 2003; see also UN CERD, General Recommendation XXXI on
the prevention of racial discrimination in the administration and
functioning of the criminal justice system, 2005, available at:
For instance Recommendation 1755 (2006) on the human rights of irregular
migrants of the Parliamentary Assembly.
See for instance: Decision of the JHA Council of 27-28 April 2006 to
step up joint flights for the expulsion of illegal immigrants Council
Document 11185/06; or Meeting of the Working Party of Senior Officials
and Experts from Greece, Pakistan, Turkey and Iran concerning the
combating of trafficking in illegal immigrants and trafficking in human
beings, held in Islamabad on 5 and 6 September 2006 Council Document
16872/06. From the European Parliament an example is ‘Illegal
immigration, external action of the EU and Frontex’ Document number
RSP/2008/2562; or the European Commission’s ‘Development of a common
policy on illegal immigration, smuggling and trafficking of human
beings, external borders, and the return of illegal residents. Third
annual report’ SEC (2009) 320 final.
See, for instance, the European Commission’s ‘Development of a common
policy on illegal immigration, smuggling and trafficking of human
beings, external borders, and the return of illegal residents. Third
annual report’ SEC (2009) 320 final where illegal immigration is
discussed as a phenomenon which occurs beyond EU borders altogether.
‘No one shall be deprived of the right to enter the territory of the
state of which he is a national.’
Article 18 EC and Directive 2004/38; this right is also extended to the
non-EU national family members of the citizen exercising the right.
12 This
includes all member states except Bulgaria, Cyprus and Romania which
have not yet been able to join and Ireland and the UK which have chosen
to stay out of the system. Iceland, Norway and Switzerland also
participate in the Schengen free movement area.
See the list of residence permits on the European Commission’s website:
This included until 30 October 2007, Italian Special Post Office
receipts. There is a public policy and security exception.
14 S24
Immigration Act 1971 as amended by the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996.
§94 AufenthG.
16 Article
83 of Immigration Law 3386/2005.
See section III of Commissioner’s Report of 16/04/2009, CommDH(2009)16.
In 2003, the Executive Committee of UNHCR recommended that “Intercepted
asylum-seekers and refugees should not become liable to criminal
prosecution under the Protocol Against the Smuggling of Migrants by
Land, Sea or Air for the fact of having been the object of conduct set
forth in article 6 of the Protocol; nor should any intercepted person
incur any penalty for illegal entry or presence in a State in cases
where the terms of Article 31 of the 1951 Convention are met” (Conclusion
on Protection Safeguards in Interception Measures, 10 October
2003, No. 97 (LIV) - 2003, para. (a) vi).
§§96, 97 AufendthG. See K Ziegler ‘The Legal framework of Trafficking
and Smuggling in Germany: victims protection emerging from witness
protection?’ in E Guild & P Minderhoud, op.cit. pp 69 – 111.
21 In
August 2007, the Italian authorities arrested and charged seven
Tunisian fishermen with facilitating irregular immigration, after having
rescued 44 migrants at sea and brought them to Italy. A judgment,
issued by a court in Argigento, Sicily in November 2009, acquitted these
22 M
Merlino, The Italian (In)Security Package: Security vs Rule of Law
and Fundamental Rights in the EU CEPS, Brussels 2009; Commissioner
Hammarberg’s Memorandum following his visit to Italy, 19-20 June
2008, Strasbourg, 28 July 2008, Report following his visit to Italy,
13-15 January 2009, Strasbourg,16 April 2009.
23 The
European Court of Human Rights considered the refusal to issue a
passport to a citizen as a breach of Article 2 of Protocol N° 4, Sissanis
v Romania, judgment of 25 January 2007.
24 R
Cholewinski, Borders and Discrimination in the European Union
ILPA, London, 2002.
25 Rodrigues
da Silva and Hoogkamer v. the Netherlands, judgment of 31
January 2006.
26 International
Transport Roth GmbH & Ors v Secretary of State For the Home
Department [2002] EWCA Civ 158.
See proposed legislative decree 286/1998 amendment of the Northern
League which was withdrawn on 27 April 2009. Irregular immigration and
stay is still criminalised under article 10bis of the Draft Law 2180.
B Pieters, ‘Dutch Criminal and Administrative Law Concerning
Trafficking in and Smuggling of Human Beings: The Blurred Legal Position
of Smuggled and trafficked Persons: Victims, Instigators or Illegals?’
in E Guild & P Minderhoud, op.cit. pp 201 – 239.
30 http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/employersandsponsors/listemployerspenalties/
D Thym, ‘Respect for private and family life under article 8 ECHR in
immigration cases: a human right to regularize illegal stay?’
International and Comparative Law Quarterly Vol 57, Issue 1, January
2008 pp 87 – 112.
32 Slawomir
Musial v Poland Application number 28300/06.
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex p Adam, Limbuela
and Tesema [2005] UKHL 66.
34 Boultif
v Switzerland, judgment of 2 August 2001.
Jurisic & Collegium Mehrerau v Austria, judgment of 27 July
When the EU adopted a measure on sanctions for employing persons
irregularly on the territory which I will examine briefly below, the
German Government included in the notes a Statement “With regard both to
the publication of the judicial decision in Article 10(2) and the list
of employers held liable in Article 12(2) of this Directive, Germany
would point to the consequences of Article 6(2) of the Treaty on
European Union [the duty to protect fundamental rights] for the
institutions, and for the Member states when they come to transpose this
Directive into national law.”
37 Remarks
by George Okoth-Obbo, UNHCR Director for International Protection
Services at the Symposium Advancing the Implementation of the United
Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, Vienna 17 – 18 May 2007: “Fifth,
as we have heard throughout this Symposium yesterday and today of
the imperative to combat incitement and stigmatization, so also does
UNHCR urge for priority to be assigned to stemming the vilification,
criminalisation or stereotyping of asylum-seekers and refugees. Rather,
that they are themselves escaping persecution and danger, and need the
empathy and support of the States and people among whom they find
themselves, needs to be given fulsome recognition and prominence.”
See e.g. Commissioner Hammarberg’s Report following his visit to
Turkey, 28 June -3 July 2009, Strasbourg, 1 October 2009, CommDH(2009)31.
Amnesty International Seeking Asylum is not a Crime June 2005
; Human Rights Watch Fleeting
Refuge: The Triumph of Efficiency over Protection in Dutch Asylum
Policy, April 2003.
The UK’s House of Lords narrowly overturned the conviction of an
Ethiopian woman who was recognised as a refugee but had used a false
document to arrive in the UK. She had been convicted of the criminal
offence of using false documents notwithstanding her refugee status. R
v Asfaw [2008] UKHL 31.
K Ziegler, ‘The Legal framework of Trafficking and Smuggling in
Germany: victims protection emerging from witness protection?’ in E
Guild & P Minderhoud, op.cit. pp 69 – 111.
2007 Table 12.
UNHCR, 2008 Global Trends: Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Returnees,
Internally Displaced and Stateless Persons, Country Data Sheets 16 June
2009 http://www.unhcr.org/4a375c426.html.
S. D. v Greece application, judgment of 11 June 2009.
Commissioner’s Viewpoint, “States should not impose penalties on
arriving asylum-seekers”, 17 March 2008, http://www.coe.int/t/commissioner/Viewpoints/080317_en.asp.
The obligation of States not to refoule a person to territories where
his or her life or freedom would be threatened is enshrined in Article
33 of the 1951 Convention and has become a rule of international
customary law.
47 Resolution
1637 (2008), Europe’s boat people: mixed migration flows by sea into
southern Europe, paragraphs 9.3 and 9.4; see also Chapter III of
Committee of Ministers, Twenty Guidelines on Forced Return,
Council of Europe, September 2005.
48 http://www.migreurop.org/IMG/pdf/carte-en.pdf
UNHCR delegation visits detention centre on Greek island, urges closure
Greece, 23 October 2009, www.unhcr.org/4ae1af146.html.
European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or
Degrading Treatment or Punishment The CPT standards – ‘substantive’
sections of the CPT’s General Reports StrasbourgCPT/Inf/E(2002) 1 –
Rev 2006; chapter IV; CPT, 19th General Report, 2009,
section on safeguards for irregular migrants deprived of their liberty,
pp 37-44, http://www.cpt.coe.int/en/annual/rep-19.pdf.
Ibid para 28.
Ibid para 36.
Saadi v United Kingdom, judgment of 29 January 2008.
54 Council
of Europe, Digest of the Case Law of the European Committee of
Social Rights, Strasbourg, 2008.
55 Gaygusuz
v Austria, judgment of 16 September 1996,; Koua Poirrez v
France, judgment of 30 September 2003.
Niedzwiecki v Germany, judgment of 25 October 2005.
57 Council
of Europe Digest of the Case Law of the European Committee of Social
Rights Strasbourg, 2008 para 183.
Commissioner for Human Rights, Report following his visit to Italy,
13 – 15 January 2009, Strasbourg,16 April 2009.
Commissioner for Human Rights, Report following his visit to Greece,
8-10 December 2008, Strasbourg, 4 February 2009.
H Toner (2006), 'Impact Assessments and Fundamental Rights
Protection in EU Law' European Law Review (3), 316 – 341.
61 For
the purposes of this Regulation, the Member states include all 27 EU
Member states exception: Denmark (which applies it as a matter of
international law), Ireland and the UK. The provisions on abolition of
intra-member state border controls do not yet apply to Bulgaria, Cyprus
and Romania. But Iceland, Norway and Switzerland are participating.
62 The
European Commission gave a contract to the Odysseus Network of Academic
Experts on Immigration and Asylum Law to prepare an analysis of the
implementation of 10 Directives in this field, including this one, in
the 27 Member states. The study was completed in 2008 but the Commission
has chosen to keep all information, including the report, the research
on which it was based and the analysis confidential.
E Brouwer, Digital Borders and Real Rights: Effective Remedies for
Third Country nationals in the Schengen Information System Martinus
Nijhoff, Leiden, 2008. The author’s analysis of controls carried out by
national data protection authorities on the accuracy of data contained
in the SIS on foreigners indicates problems in up to 40% of cases
reviewed see pp 329 – 510.
64 Ibid
p 514.
65 The
primary purpose of the database is to collect information on visa
applications, not to support law enforcement agencies.
66 D
Bigo & E Guild, “La mise a l’écart des étrangers: la logique du
visa Schengen” Cultures et Conflits, l’Harmattan, Paris, Spring
67 The
death of a Nigerian woman in the process of expulsion from Belgium at
the hands of Belgian officials led to an inquiry by the UN Committee on
the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination in 2002 http://www.unhchr.ch/huricane/huricane.nsf/view01/B89EC49E63CAFB7AC1256B7C004F013F?opendocument.
68 E
Guild, ‘The Bitter Fruits of a Common Asylum Policy’ in T Balzacq and S
Carrera, Security versus Freedom? A Challenge for Europe’s Future
Ashgate, Aldershot, 2006, pp 61 – 76.
69 For
these purposes, I leave aside the treatment of persons for their own
safety as in respect of minors and mentally handicapped persons.
70 C
Fernandez, A Manavella & J-M Ortuno, The Effects of exceptional
legislation on criminalisation of immigrants and people suspected of
terrorism CHALLENGE, Report 9, 2009.
Even the European Court of Justice has used the term recently in a
judgment though this appears only to be a repetition of the question
asked by the national court: “By this question, the referring court asks
whether Article 12 EC precludes national rules which exclude nationals
of Member States of the European Union from receipt of social assistance
benefits which are granted to illegal immigrants.” C-22/08 & 23/08 Vatsouras
4 June 2009 para 48.
See for instance the report of the EU´s Fundamental Rights Agency European
Union´s Minorities and Discrimination Survey Results: April and May
2009 http://www.fra.europa.eu/fraWebsite/home/pub_eu-midis_en.htm.
S Cohen, Moral Panics and Folk Devils 3rd Edition, Routledge,
New York, 2003.