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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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European Case Law: 4347 objects found.

  • Judgment C-38/17

    05/06/2019 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 38 Consumer protection

    The Court affirmed that Directive EEC on unfair terms in consumer contracts does not preclude the legislation of a Member State under which a loan agreement is not invalid if it is denominated in foreign ...

  • Judgment 36607/06

    04/06/2019 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy - Justice - Art. 47 Fair trial, public hearing

    The judgment on the violation of the right to the respect for private and family life and to the right to a fair trial in a case in which the State denied the applicant a ...

  • Judgment 39757/15

    04/06/2019 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 47 Fair trial, public hearing - Art. 48 Rights of defence

    The judgment finds legitimate the lack of communication to the defence by the public prosecutor s office of a great amount of information and of its digital version collected in view of the selection of ...

  • Judgment 12096/14 and 39335/16

    04/06/2019 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 15 Right to work

    The judgments on the violation of article of Protocol protection of property in the case of the permanent revocation of the licence as liquidator in insolvency proceedings following the conviction with a suspended prison sentence ...

  • Judgment 15172/13

    29/05/2019 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 47 Justice: effective

    Grand Chamber Judgment on the violation by Azerbaijan of the obligation to fulfil the decision of the Court imposing to release the political activist ...

  • Judgment 26564/16

    28/05/2019 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Dignity - Art. 4 Inhuman treatments - Degrading treatments

    The judgment on the lack of a minimum service in order to guarantee prisoners elementary rights during the strike of prison officers the Court found the violation of the prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatments ...

  • Judgment 33172/16

    28/05/2019 - European Authorities: European Court of human rights

    Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy - Equality - Art. 21 Non discrimination

    The judgment found the violation of the right to the respect for private and family life with regard to the limits imposed to the duration and ways of visit of the family to a prisoner ...

  • Judgment Joined cases C-508 2018 and C-82 2019 PPU

    27/05/2019 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 49 Criminal Law

    The Court affirmed that the concept of an issuing judicial authority within the meaning of Framework Decision JHA on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States does not include public prosecutors ...

  • Judgment C-509/18

    27/05/2019 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Justice - Art. 49 Criminal Law

    The Court affirmed that the concept of an issuing judicial authority within the meaning of Framework Decision JHA on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States includes the Prosecutor General of ...

  • Judgment C-52/18

    23/05/2019 - European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

    Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 38 Consumer protection

    The Court affirmed that the Member States remain competent to establish the place where the consumer is required to make goods acquired under a distance contract available to the seller for them to be brought ...