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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Case Law C-130/10 (19/07/2012)

Type: Judgment

Authority: European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice

Date: 07/19/2012

Subject: The Court dismissed the action for annulment of Regulation (EU) No 1286/2009, proposed by the European Parliament, affirming that Article 215(2) TFEU constitutes the appropriate legal basis for measures, such as those at issue in the present case, directed to addressees implicated in acts of terrorism who, having regard to their activities globally and to the international dimension of the threat they pose, affect fundamentally the Union’s external activity. The difference between Article 75 TFEU and Article 215 TFEU, so far as the Parliament’s involvement is concerned, is the result of the choice made by the framers of the Treaty of Lisbon conferring a more limited role on the Parliament with regard to the Union’s action under the CFSP. The Court clarified that a measure, such as the contested regulation, containing safeguards for the respect of the fundamental rights of the persons whose names appear in the list, may be adopted on the basis of Article 215(2) TFEU. The argument to the contrary, that such a measure may be adopted only on the basis of Article 75 TFEU, would, moreover, render Article 215(2) largely redundant, whereas the duty to respect fundamental rights bears also on Union measures giving effect to resolutions of the Security Council.

Classification: Justice - Art. 47 Justice: remedy - General provisions - Art. 51 Scope

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